What are your thoughts on the Beijing 2008 Olympics? Do you think politics and the Olympic games should be separate? Do you think that the country hosting the Olympics should be held to certain standards, such as human rights practices?
What do you think of protesters trying to extinguish the flame? A bold symbol of activism or is it an act of disrespect?
Will you boycott the Olympics? Do you really not give a hoot?
Just wonderin.
I will be boycotting watching the olympics this year (I usually do watch some parts of the Olympics since childhood) as I believe that China's human rights issues make it unworthy to host the games. Notably, the issues of women's rights and those of the Tibetan people. I have respect and pride for the athletes competing, but I refuse to lend my number to the airtime coverage for the companies that have given their marketing dollars to support the Olympics in a country that is morally undeserving. I think that the country that hosts the Olympics should be held to high standards of human rights and should be a progressive country trying its best to treat its citizens well. The country hosting the Olympics also should be active in world politics and working to protect human rights around the world. Many boycotted the Moscow Olympics because they didn't hold up to this standard and I agree with that. So, it seems keeping that many people are upset about this year's olympics.
I have to admit that the protesters trying to snuff out the torch make me feel a split between two opposing emotions. They amaze me with their conviction and passion, that their belief in human rights would be so powerful that they would want to extinguish the Olympic torch as a symbol. To me, it sends a very strong message that says, "these games are about unity in the world and fair treatment for all people. China chooses to commit/allow atrocities against its own people and the Tibetan people, so they have no right to have this torch."
HOWEVER the other side of me says that creating more violence by attacking the people carrying the torch is counterproductive and wrong. Isn't it equally as impressive for these runners to continue carrying the torch through adversity and upheaval, all in the name that the Olympics is something that surpasses politics and our differences? I have no issues with protesting along the places where they're running, voicing your opinions. But the idea of actually attacking the runners is wrong to me.