Big old question of the day

Oct 25, 2004 23:37

I have a dog!
The enormity of that statement is a little overwhelming to me right now, but so far we are just getting used to each other. It doesn't quite feel real, especially since her presence is a little eerie.
She is 5 years old, a shelter dog, very very quiet, placid, exquisitely beautiful. She is the color of oatmeal and comes up to my knee. She has a husky/shepherd/chow face and a bushy chow tail and a spotted chow tongue. She looks related to Nanda, only taller and skinnier and with more fur. I will try to post a picture tomorrow. She looks a little like a white wolf.

I am feeling very unsure about naming her. Elizabeth suggested "Cheddar," because they both like cheddar. She also likes "Punani" "Tampon" "Crotch" and "Rimjob." My mother, as always, wangs a Gaelic name. I'd like something Icelandic-sounding, but all Rebekah can come up with is Isobel, and it just sounds too... something. If we're going with Bjork lyrics i'd prefer "Selma." Maybe you can see why I'd like suggestions. My name choices tend more toward the vague, international ones.


Ok, so I like names ending in "a" and have 2 syllables.

without giving me the names you're reserving for your own pets and children, I would love to hear suggestions for names.
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