A walking paradox.

Oct 12, 2004 20:11

-Had a bad day.
-Enjoyed Monday Night Football.
-FINALLY saw Mike Bettes on TWC last night.

-Was my mom's birthday. Woop!
-Went to the dunes with my ecology class. Super duper fun! Soil group 4 life!!!1~~ Ha.
-Finally talked to the lady who knows the owner of this car I've been gawking at for months!
-Spent a lotta good time with James.
-Decided to start on another story - Little House of Savages.

-Take the PSAT, uh huh.
-Try not to be homicidal.
-Watch JBTV if I'm still up.

The next tomorrow:
-Early release! My ass might not go at all.
-Call this Sean guy about m'car.
-Call the Y about volleyball.
-Call Mike Stern.
-Maybe play the bass - *gasp!*

That's as far ahead as I care to go right now. Goodbye.
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