New Year, Whoop Dee Shit.

Jan 04, 2005 00:24

So today I swam to school thanks to the pouring rain, first day after a refreshing winter break (most of which I slept through). Nothing had changed much, despite my wishing, same fucks I hate returned, none of them overdosing or getting killed in a New Years Eve car crash. But there is the lovely possiblity half of chapter three of my novel is gone since the school's computer system got re-formatted over the break or some shit like that, and I have saved it on school hardwire drive. But John seemed nicely impressed when I told him about my new snake Rosalind. He likes snakes but since his parents think anything with the sligthest bibilical villanery is EVIL!!1!!!, he can't have one. Freakin' kid can't even wear biker boots to school, hos praents are really lucky the kids got any sort of spine at all. He's the only person who hits me back after all. I didn't see Shelley though dispite talking to her on AIM last nigth. And I guess Kat is still in Tuscon for that horse show or is resting from it. *coughspoiledonlychildcough*

So hooray back to the grind for me and god how I hate it. I just want this year to be over and be done with school forever! I'm going to break something or have a break down if I flunk ecnomics, whichever happens first, maybe both!

Ta Leuten.


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