Ficlets from Elrhiarhodan's Promptfest

Feb 22, 2011 19:34

Title: How to Scare a Man in Five Seconds
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Diana, Bilal (Horse racing guy from Burke's Seven)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 169
Thanks: elrhiarhodan for hosting Prompt Fest V
Summary: Prompt: Diana - intimidation

Diana's not a man hater. She really isn't.

But she just wouldn't get the same pleasure out of scaring a woman.

Women - most women - don't swagger. And if they do, it's not posturing, they've earned that, they mean it.

Diana strides up to Bilal, not-so-secretly enjoying herself. The wind in her hair, the smell of a coward's fear, the thrill of catching criminals.

Yes, it's mostly Neal Caffrey's plan. But Caffrey's swagger doesn't ever stutter and in some ways he's as good as a women. Some ways.

Unlike Prince Bilal. His defenses jump right up and, as soon as she's gone, he's on the phone. She's gotten too good at this, it almost isn't even fun anymore.


She still likes to bet herself if the next one's going to wet himself or cry or - more often than she'd have thought - call their parents.

Bilal's more the instant fold kind. Oh well. That's what she was aiming for anyway. She can have fun next time.

Title: Where the Wind Comes From, Nobody Knows (Wind on a Hill)
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Elizabeth
Warnings: Masturbation
Word Count: 222
Thanks: elrhiarhodan for hosting Prompt Fest V
Summary: Prompt: Elizabeth - Flowers
Notes:Title from the Alan Alexander Miller poem "Wind on a Hill"

She's lying on a gently sloped hill, her head a foot below her feet.

A petal brushes her bare breast as a flower sways in the wind.

A mound of hard dirt presses just left of her spine. She crushed some flowers when she laid down, but they released such a beautiful smell she let the twinge of guilt pass. The flowers sway all around her, beautiful wild flowers of so many colors, so vibrant, that only nature can make so gorgeous.

She spreads her bare legs wide.

A breeze rushes through the grass to pull strands of hair into her face. She doesn't brush it back from her eyes.

She shivers and fingers her hardened nipples; one hand strokes down her stomach.

There's no one watching. No one here but her, the blue, blue sky, and the scent of wild flowers and pussy.

Her heart beats faster anyway as her finger slides to her clit. Sex is for beds and sheets and dark and walls.

The sun warms her skin. The wind cools it. An ant crawls across her ankle and for some reason, that belongs and she doesn't need to squish it.

She cries out loud with each stroke of her skin, screams as loud as she can just to feel the air in her lungs and her pulse everywhere.

Title: Of Birds and Stones
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Adler, (Neal/Kate)
Warnings: Mention of canon death
Word Count: 226
Thanks: elrhiarhodan for hosting Prompt Fest V
Summary: Prompt: Kate - like dominoes falling
Notes Obviously, this is not in line with canon anymore. But I felt the sentiment (Mozzie's) of "Every conman gets his heart broken once" was represented here, so posted it is.

Neal has always been a good student. A hell of a student.

He’d listened when there was barely anything to hear and he learned his lessons well.

Listened too well, actually, when he’d been told himself to find a girl and don’t ask why. He’d taken off with her before the master could break them apart so Neal would never be tempted to really fall in love.

Neal’s mentor shakes his head to himself. He’d have spared Neal. Neal fell so hard, there was no need to waste time on him anymore. He’d wished him disgusting happiness and set those two pretty little lovebirds free.

Except Neal got in the way of something he didn’t understand. Something that had been worked on long and hard and was very, very near fruition and worth every drop of sweat. Something his would-be prodigy would’ve never have been allowed to handle while he had love in his heart for a pretty thing on his arm. Something Neal no longer had any business messing with.

And he stuck his nose in it and fucked it all up for Kate.

Well, Kate was too dangerous for Neal. And with her around, Neal was too dangerous.

A plane engulfed in fire; two birds with one stone. Protecting Neal and knocking him out of the loop.

It would only get easier from here.

Title: A Thousand Words of Exasperation
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Neal, Peter
Warnings: None
Word Count: 218
Thanks: elrhiarhodan for hosting Prompt Fest V
Summary: Prompt: Peter/Neal - unbelievable, doubt

From anybody but Neal, he might take this as proof: a photo of Neal laughing, sitting there with his legs crossed, his eyes sparkling and crinkled at the corners and Peter, on the next balcony behind Neal, spilling coffee on himself.

"Nah." Peter set aside the photo. "Nah."

"I'm telling you, we were there." Neal held his gaze and looked so earnest with his wide eyes and half-smile that Peter picked up the photo and tilted it, letting the light play across Neal's face, his trackerless anklet. Across his own frustrated face. He remembered that afternoon. He'd been surveilling a restaurant from a hotel balcony.

"And you just happened to get the room next to mine."

"It took some wrangling."

Peter gave Neal an exasperated look. "Why?"

Neal shrugged. "Kate wanted to see my fed."

Peter turned the photo around, "And this was the best photo you could get of me?"

Neal shifted from side to side.

"It was the best photo she could get of you."

Neal looked insincerely apologetic. He didn’t even have enough shame to restrain his smile.

Peter rubbed his forehead. "I'm getting the lab to check this is a real photo." It would probably come up real. That was fine. He had his fair share of embarrassing, covert photos he took of Neal.

Also posted at:

fandom: white collar, rated: g, rated: r, rated: pg

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