(no subject)

Feb 22, 2005 11:24

[ Current Mood ] upset
[ Current Music ] a playlist on robs comp
[ Current Taste ] cake
[ Current Make-Up] none
[ Current Hair ] down
[ Current Annoyance ] my boyfriend
[ Current Smell ] nothing
[ Current Favorite Artist ] i dont really have one
[ Current Desktop Picture ]this isnt my comp....but he has a pic of the ocean
[ Current Favorite Group ] dont really have one
[ Current Book you're reading ] not reading one lol
[ Current CD in CD Player] mix
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] pink...but they are chipped n need to be done again
[ Current Refreshment ] coke
[ Current Worry ] if im goin to get a job at a hair salon....where im gonna live...my dumb boyfriend....i have lots

[ You Touched ] rob
[ You Talked to ] rach
[ You Hugged ] rob
[ You Instant messaged ] clint
[ You Yelled At ] rob
[ You Kissed ] robert

[ Food ] chicken
[ Drink ] juice
[ Color ] pink
[ Album ] i like mixs
[ Shoes ] my white steve maddens...but they are retired now....
[ Candy ] haha i have many
[ Animal ] little dogs
[ TV Show ] newlyweds
[ Song ] 112 u already know
[ Vegetable ] cucumbers
[ Fruit ] not sure

[ Understanding ] yeah
[ Open-minded ] i think so...but rob would say otherwise
[ Arrogant ] nope, i dont think so
[ Insecure ] yeah, more than i admit to
[ Interesting ] probably
[ Random ] kinda
[ Hungry ] not really
[ Friendly ] yeah
[ Smart ] i think so
[ Moody ] yea kinda
[ Childish ] yeah
[ Independent] not right now
[ Hard working ] when i want to
[ Organized ] yea
[ Emotionally Stable ] for the most part
[ Difficult ] depends
[ Attractive ] i think a little....
[ Bored Easily ] usually
[ Messy ] no not really
[ Thirsty ] no
[ Responsible ] i think so
[ Obsessed ] umm no...
[ Angry ] yes....
[ Sad ] i would say hurt....
[ Happy ] for the most part...but right now things are rough
[ Hyper ] not today
[ Trusting) i think so
[ Talkative ] yea when i want to be

[ Kill ] no one
[ Slap] lol, no comment
[ Get Really Wasted With ] i would say rob...but he gets to moody when hes drunk...so i say rach plus i havent seen her in forever n we always havae good times together when we are drunk!!
[ Look Like] no one

-W H O-
[makes u laugh the most?] rach, rob, n my dad hes pretty funny...
[makes you smile] rob n rach
[gives u a funny feeling when u see them] ???
[who do you have a crush on?] i dont have a crush...i have a boyfriend
[has a crush on u?]....
[is easiest to talk to] rob n rach

-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] no lol
[save aol/aim conversations] sometimes
[Wish u were a member of the opposite sex] sometimes i do
[cried because of someone saying something to you]yeah

-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend] haha no
[been rejected] i dont rember anyone really rejecting me....
[rejected someone] yes
[used someone] haha no comment
[been cheated on] probably i seem to make guys cheat on me....
[done something you regret] yeah who hasnt

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes] no
[could u live without the computer?] hell no
[color ur hair] yes i get it highlighted
[ever get off the dang computer] yes
[habla espanol] no
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?] 199
[drink alchohol?] guilty as charged
[like watching sunrises or sunset] i like sunsets...im not up early enough to see the sun rise
[what hurts the most?} having the people u trust n care about do things to hurt u....or having the feeling that no one really truely cares about u...

-N U M B E R-
of times I have had my heart broken: once
of guys I have kissed?: haha im not answering this one....its pretty high up there...
of girls I have kissed?: 2 or 3 i dont rember...
of things in my past that I regret?: i dont keep count
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