Sep 12, 2005 20:59
It's funny how things change, such as a story told by someone under a certain circumstance that magically becomes a totally different story once one variable - that should not affect it - does. In this case I speak of the [now] "family" trip Terri's family is planning. Originally it was a just Terri's mom and dad that were going to go. Terri then expressed how important it was to her to see her Uncle Wally and how badly she wanted to go, which eventually spurred the decision to let her go. Unfortunately she was told she'd have to spring for her own plane tickets, but she figured oh well.
Well now it seems shaky whether Terri or I will be able to go. The part about this that bothers me is that her brother is going no matter what. What was originally a "mom and dad vacation, no questions asked" was such that you'd think (due to circumstances) if any changes were to be made it'd be to bring then Terri and only Terri - not even me. Why, you might ask, is another party involved now? Ha, this is where part 2 of my aggravation begins.
Terri's mom believes that Adam cannot be trusted to stay alone for a week, and even if Terri stays home it's unacceptable. Why? Well it is believed that Terri will make a slave out of Adam like she allegedly did the last vacation they stayed home. The unfortunate part is that neither Terri nor I seem to remember it that way. Adam does, however, and so do her parents. Funny how those two coincide so frequently. Adam seems happy about it even despite the fact that the trip means a deduction from his car/college fund and that it will probably sap the cash from his personal funds he claims to so desperately be saving for computer things. At no time did I ever hear him say he was glad to be seeing Wally, only glad to be going. It's unfortunate that the person with the real reason to want to go may not, and the person that knows they are going and may be smiling smugly about it is forgetting a few things. Sure, a victory for them it may have been, but I employ the question, "at what cost?"
This is a lot like the last time this person got something they wanted by complaining to someone or relying on sympathy about a certain event to drive other people to give them what they want. The problem is in the wording. Terri's mother does not trust Adam home alone at 15, though it would seem he is of age to do so. This apparently doesn't bother him so much. To say to a person that you're only bringing them prevent their being pushed around by someone else may initially sound like a positive thing. However I see it as as much an insult to the recipient as the other person being discussed. This is also basically saying, "since you are incapable of handling things yourself and are defenseless against the potential wrath of this other person, this is how I am saving you".
Furthermore is simply the BS of the negative opinions everyone has. They claim they hate that Terri is rarely home and wonder why that is. Yet every time she is home all they have to say is what's wrong with her life and why she's a dumb bitch. No one does any different. Another humorous thing is that prior to this school year the mom said Adam shall miss NO unnecessary school particularly because of his performance last year. Yet she is willing to pull him from school for a week for an unnecessary vacation because she is that against him being home alone. That should say something. I'd also like to nip in the bud the possibility for a response indicating that some of the week of vacation is overlapping days off so it's not really missing a week. Semantics. It's arguments like that that people make when they have no other defense than to nitpick words. My point stands even if he is only missing 1/7 days. It's a day at all in a situation in which allegedly ANY missed days is unacceptable.
I'm sick of my own house but I'm sick of the BS at Terri's, too. Why can't this year be over? I get my degree and we leave. It's a steak dangled 6 inches from my face as I tread doggedly on.