The past week or so has been relatively uneventful when it comes to in-game events. With the announcement of 2.4 and a lot of the adjustments that will be coming to the game I think a lot of people are simply satisfied with farming the regular old stuff in SSC/TK and thats about it until we can actually get into BT and Hyjal and experience some new content. To be honest, Tier 5 content, even though we have yet to down Kael or Vashj, is just getting plain boring. Week after week of farming the same bosses and not really progressing at all (or sometimes even into...) phase 4 of Kael'Thas is just frustrating, and I think the prospect of a change of scenery is getting everyone pretty excited. Really, as tough as it is for me to say, I can't see us downing Kael before 2.4 goes live. I guess thats just the way it goes; perhaps the new badge loot in addition to BT/Hyjal access will give us a gear boss neccessary to push him down. I certainly hope so.
The SSC/TK farm bosses this week were done in a somewhat different fashion compared to what we are used to. Due to the fact that we've been struggling with getting a lot of attempts in on Kael, we decided to attempt to clear all bosses in each zone in one day, which actually turned out pretty well. I ended up picking up the Tsunami Talisman off of Leotheras, bringing the total number of items I need off SSC farm bosses down to one (Bloodsea Brigand's Vest didn't drop...again). At this point I'm not sure that I really care if I get any more pieces of loot from Tier 5 instances, as the new heroic badge loot overshadows pretty much anything except for the belt off Vashj that I don't currently have. The difficult part as of late has been trying to find groups for heroic instances and other Badge of Justice instances. Azshara is an extremely low pop server, so finding decent players outside of the guild to run with has been a near impossibility. Not only this, but it seems most people within the guild prefer to run with their little cliques, making it even more difficult to get groups for even the simplest runs. That being said, I've still managed to save over 100 badges, meaning I'm probably about 1/3 of the way to what I'm going to need to pick up all of the gear I want. Needless to say, 100 badges over the past few weeks has meant a lot of Kara and a lot of heroics, which is mainly what I've been focusing on outside of the basic raiding nights.
Overall, pretty boring week. I don't expect the next few weeks before the update to be any more exciting, but perhaps we'll finally get over the hump and do something noteworthy as a guild. We shall see...