I'm sorry, what's on your shoulder?

Apr 07, 2011 11:50

Yesterday, as I walked out of the metro bridge at Vienna after a long day, I heard a man walking behind me singing Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah. I didn't want to turn and stare, so I waited until we got out onto the sidewalk, and he turned left while I went straight, which gave me a chance to glance over. I had figured on a drunk frat guy or a homeless man (we have a lot of singing homeless men around here) but instead it was a well dressed middle aged man, carrying a briefcase. He didn't have headphones on, he wasn't on the phone singing to his kid or anything - he was just walking along to the parking garage, singing a happy song (from a movie Disney is awfully embarassed about, these days).

It did put a smile on my face. It's hard not to grin when someone drops Disney into your day - even racist Disney :)

(Is anyone else surprised they haven't redone Splash Mountain yet? When you get off the ride, into the gift shop, there isn't so much as a single piece of Brer Rabbit related merchandise, but you can ride through the movie's world in a fake log.)
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