Aug 02, 2006 22:37
Today I saw the veterans affairs doctor to have my knee assessed. I injured it 2 and 1/2 years ago and had surgery in January of 2005. All parties agree that this injury was attributable to military service. I have to wait and see how much if anything I will be awarded as a disability pension. It will probably be several months from now when I find out but at least it's one more step along the road.
This coming weekend is the Heritage Days Festival in Edmonton and I will have a three day weekend. Monday is a provincial holiday. WooHoo! Hubby and I are hoping to get the guest bedroom painted this weekend in preparation for his mother's visit.
Tomorrow is our 29th anniversary. Most days it doesn't seem like it's been that long. It hasn't always been wonderful but the past nine months and my journey with breast cancer has brought us closer together. We are talking about renewing our wedding vows for our 30th...maybe I'll even wear a wedding gown this time around??