Apr 09, 2014 20:26
It's only Wednesday but this week has been so busy it feels like it should be Friday already. I'm tired. On Monday our daughters and I went shopping for the baby to be. We were out all day. I was shopping mainly for my Mom, GG (Great Granny) as she has been out of the baby loop for a very long time and things have changed a lot even in the 9 years since our grandson was born.
Yesterday, I unpacked summer clothes, did 4 loads of laundry and some ironing as well as cleaned up the dog run and went for a long walk with Maggie. The weather was gorgeous. I worked outside in the dog run without a jacket. Sadly it's supposed to cool off by the weekend and there is a possibility of snow.
Today I had my weekly weigh-in. (up three pounds.... that's what happens when you are sick and sit around doing nothing much for a week) I shopped for some new bras and ran a bunch of errands. Thankfully, the rest of the week looks a little less busy.