Jun 11, 2011 00:18
I went to the Cross Cancer Institute today. My oncologist gave me a hug when he came into the examining room. This surprised me, but he seemed to be genuinely happy to see me under positive conditions and was pleased with my health. He wanted me to consider going on an aromatase inhibitor - Letrozole.(not Arimidex as I thought) Letrozole is for women who; have taken tamoxifen for five years, are post menopausal, had hormone receptive breast cancer and breast cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes. I am four for four. We discussed the benefits and possible side effects. The risk of recurrence drops off and virtually disappears after 3 to 5 years for women who have non-hormone receptive breast cancer, but for hormone receptive breast cancer the risk never goes away. Most of the possible side effects can be managed and the risk of recurrence would be reduced by at least 4%. So, I am going to try the Letrozole for a month. If all goes well I will be on it for five years. The next couple of weeks will be the test period. It will be interesting.
After my visit my oncologist gave me another hug and said that he hoped he wouldn't see me again. I feel the same way.
breast cancer