
Feb 20, 2011 23:09

This month seems to be dragging. I don't know if it's because of the warm/cold weather cycle we've been having or what but it feels like it has been February for a very long time.
We are back in the middle of another cold cycle but at least it was a little warmer today so Maggie and I could go for a walk. I wanted to go for a longer walk but the wind was a bit raw so we just did a half hour walk. The weather is supposed to stay cold for the remainder of February.

Hubby and I went to see the movie The King's Speech on Friday. We both enjoyed it and I can certainly see why Colin Firth was nominated for an Oscar. The popcorn was good too. Sometimes it's too salty but Friday it was practically perfect.

My cold continues to drag on. Today there was a new twist to it though. I felt quite dizzy for the first half of the day and have had a queasy stomach as well. I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. The few times I've had a cold I have ended up with bronchitis. It seems to be headed that way again and I want to get it taken care of quickly so that it won't delay my knee surgery. It don't know when that will be as yet but I don't want to take a chance on having to reschedule.

Not much else new or exciting going on.

cough, colds, weather

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