Dec 28, 2003 01:55
i'm not trippin...
i have a REALLY FABULOUS friend...
my friends LOVE ME... (well most of them)... even though we might not get along all the time...
life is shitty right now, but i'ma force myself to look for the bright side...
i'm not goin anywhere...
he's not goin anywhere...
i'm not hurried...
i like him... he's real special to me...
and i know im real special to him too...
so what?
thats what.... doesn't make us any less great
whatever happens.. is gonna happen, i'm not gonna worry about it in advance
i'm just going to let things be and see where life takes me...
i'm just going to try to live out my spirit.. and love life for whatever I can find in it...
i'm going to look for reasons to smile...
i'm going to MAKE a reason to be happy...
i'm going to be the best person i can be for people...
and i'm going to give more than i have to make others happy...
at the end of the day.. if i am confident and happy with myself... i will be satisfied and fulfilled that i did what i could and i'm a good person...
ultimately... i'm going to be GOOD to other people, and spend time with people who make me want to be a better person!
theres my new m.o.
sometimes friends.. you may need to lay it down:
"audrey.. don't trip.. everything's gonna be alright" and throw me a hug...
seriously.... it makes things 1020% better.
cuz they are... things are gonna work out.. i'm gonna MAKE them...
and you know what... i'm not gonna give up on what i want until what i want gives up on me :)
fo realzzz dawg.. you know how we do!!
slip it... I LOVE YOU ALL!!! <3 <3 <3
time to keep my head up