Hello! Welcome To My NEW Journal/Username: Aesthetic13 ^__^

Dec 18, 2008 16:05

Hello! Welcome to my NEW journal/username aesthetic13!

If you have known me through my old journal/username cabaret_roses, then my reasons for changing usernames/journals are this (I'll re-state them from what I posted on my old journal):

I never really liked my old username, cabaret_roses (I had chosen it a looong time ago, so the decision of naming things at the time wasn't very decent...), and I did't feel the need to purchase a $15 token just to rename it, so I made a NEW account on Livejournal (before I keep on doing more damage by posting/commenting under that username). ^_^

And my NEW journal/username is this account, aesthetic13.

So anyone who's on my old friend's list and would like to still be on my list, please re-add my new username. But if that's too much a hassle, I'll probably re-add you anyways when I have time in the future. ^_- And for anyone who wants to be on my friend's list, from now on, please add my new username aesthetic13, not my old journal, cabaret_roses.

I'm not going to delete my old journal, for I am far too much attached to it and I probably have several links and history that are linked up to that journal, so it'd be mass chaos if I just deleted my entries or put everything under a "friends only" cut.

I'll still check my old account from time to time (in case of updates and if people will still contact me through there), but I'll just no longer post in it. And I'm most likely am going to copy some of my old journal entries and post them in my new journal.

So I hope this isn't too much of a problem and I hope you guys understand my reasoning to change accounts/usernames. Thank you for everything.

For we are all descendants of the rose.


livejournal, aesthetic13, new, cabaret_roses, friend list, journal

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