Haven't updated this journal in a while, so I thought I should.
I've been busy with school and work, thus I haven't been able to work on any art...I've also been sick with a cold these past few days and it's just absolutely dreadful. But I'll be okay.
There's a lot of projects that I've had in mind and have been planning, but I haven't been able to bring myself to actually do them. Poor health and lack of time are honestly to blame...hopefully one day I can get around to doing them soon.
Despite my lack of achievements lately, I've managed to talk to some of my favorite writers and artists, whom of which I admire a lot and draw a bit of inspiration from. It's really wonderful being able to talk to them...sometimes I wonder if I'm even worthy talking to them...but thanks to them, I'm even more encouraged to continue my work. So please be patient with me and anticipate what I have in store! ^^;
Mmm, also in other news, I made another LJ account.
I wanted to make a separate account for my spazzings over K-pop and stuff. I'm not usually a person who really openly fangirls over things, but I also wanted to have a space where I could fangirl more (over my biases), connect with others, and express my frustrations ideas through my art and writing without feeling restricted. Basically, I consider this journal for more of my personal thoughts and other related stuff, but there are things I'm not quite comfortable about posting here, such as fanfiction and such.
I mean I used to write a lot a while back, but I stopped. Now I'm starting again because I miss it so much.
So for those interested in checking out my other journal or craptastic fanfiction, you can go here:
madameaesthetic Lately, I've been into a group called "Block B," so my inspirations have been directed towards them at the moment. They're a really good group. ^^
But anyways, that's mainly what's been happening, so I shall end my small update here.
Until we meet again, adieu~