Jun 08, 2011 21:21
It has been a lovely day today. I spent most of it with a wild, ferocious, and totally loveable Dragon Lady. We dunked our spawn in water over and over again, took them down many a water slide, and the Dragon Lady was beat by a life guard with an inner tube. He really should be more careful how he wields that thing. My tiny vampire lord found a human follower who seemed to have an instant love connection to him, and despite their age difference wanted to carry him off and love him forever. His Mama Dragonfly got her hackles up and eventually started blocking said young woman's advances towards the tiny vampire lord. Back at home the Dragonfly Mama felt like a bad Mama when she discovered that the unburnable one was in fact burned, although he claims no pain. My unburnable one and I did a crossword puzzle before I sent him off to bed. The tiny vampire had already retired for the night (or perhaps he snuck out to do mysterious vampire things). I sat in my comfy chair trying a new cherry infused green tea and watching the lightening rend the dark clouds of the night sky. Now darkness is upon the land and I am off to create some mischief of my own. :) Sweet dreams, sweet friends.