Goddamn Fucking Asswagons

Aug 24, 2006 02:20

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I'm clueless as to why but I have suddenly been gripped by the warted claw of unfathomable fury. Something needs to die.

I can't believe how long it's been since I last updated this thing, fucking February, that's seven months ago for the thinking-impaired. The funny part is that nothing really has changed, I'm still working at that shit hole ACS with a bunch of fucks for coworkers that I wouldn't piss on should they be ablaze in the most wicked of hellfire, waving Clevelands at me that would be mine if I were to only douse them with my lemony nectar. There are a few I'd probably torch myself given the chance. I imagine I would have definitely quit by now if I wasn't making nearly $15 an hour, but oh well. There's also the debt thing that keeps me there, which is somewhat explained in the next paragraph, joy!

I bought a car recently as well, which is divinely comical as I'm already regarding it as the worst decision I've ever or probably will ever make. It's a cool car and all that pestilent jazz, but there's something strictly not-me about it, kind of like skirts and necklaces, I just don't dig it. I've come to realize that, as far as cars are concerned, I don't really like anything below the $50k price-point, which is crazy but eh. That leaves trucks. Trucks.

I said fuck yeah.

Trucks are awesome and I still don't know why I didn't just buy one originally, it had been the plan for a while but then I decided I'd like a "sporty" car, in this instance sporty equates to homosexual mind you, and that's what I had on my mind when I finally convinced the old man to cosign for me. I plan on trading it in for a truck some time or another. Trucks are cool because they're quite forgiving in a number of instances. One being the occasional plow into some old lady's home, leaving you to only put it in reverse, lean out the window, shout "why the fuck'd you put this house here old lady?!", and then back out and get back on your way. Something like that would royally fuck your shit up in a car. I discovered that through research by the way, not random conjecture.

Hrm ... more babble, ah yes, I've been talking to a girl on the internet for a while now. The problem is that she's a frigid bitch that I've come to hate.


I will fear no evil. Aside from the hemorrhoids.

My grandparents nearly burned my house down last week, it's an odd situation because usually I can write endlessly once I have a topic, but this one makes me feel exhausted for some reason. Just know that a lot of my shit is ruined, including my computer. Donations are accepted at the back of my pants.

Fucking old people.

I've had my guitar for a while now, and I thought I was starting to get decent. It decided to develop an electrical short on me about two weeks before the fire. I told them it was smoke damaged. They'll be buying me a new one. Yay.

I hear a lot of guys say that women, as a general rule of thumb, are fucking nuts. I never hear women say this about men. Am I missing something?

Fuck that was random.

I've noticed a lot of my old posts are kind of emo, and that bewilders me. I don't feel any different than I did a year ago, and some of those updates make me want to crawl under my bed and vomit until I die. Something about whiny emotional-discharge makes me want to spew.

I love the fat guy I work with who sits in the stall, grunting like a cancered mastiff, stinking up the entire work facility like he owned the goddam place. We think he drinks urine.

I miss Terror_Banshee and the following exodus.
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