Laundry, Part 2
Rating: PG
aescu Pairing: Dean, Sam, Zachariah
Spoilers: none, set early S5
Warnings: Drabble, don't take this story too seriously
Word Count: ~700
Summary: Suddenly all of Dean's clothes are gone AWOL...
AN: You probably should read the
first part of Laundry for this story to make sense...
Thanks to my bet
citizencandy :)
Written for
spn_30snapshots Table:
Theme 10: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand WordsPrompt:
#25 (a guy with a cowboy hat, looking like a Texan) It was on the next day that Castiel was true to his word. Dean had decided to take a quick shower after a short but violent run in with an annoying and weird Texan ghost that had left him dripping with mud. The water pressure was awesome and the temperature hot enough to make his skin turn a pinkish kind of red. Letting the strong steam massage his tired muscles, he enjoyed every minute of his shower to his fullest - until he had finished toweling himself mostly dry and noticed that he had forgotten to bring some unsoiled clothes along. Well, Sam would have to live with him dressing in the room then.
Dean knew that they were short on clean clothes; in fact he had planned to drive to a Laundromat after his shower. It wouldn't be the first time for him to reuse some of his less dirty stuff because now with the Apocalypse and Heaven and Hell kind of on their heels, such trivial things as laundry tended to be forgotten frequently.
Dean's duffel was empty. Not really empty, but there was a distinguishable lack of clothes. Somebody had taken all his dirty stuff out.
"Sam, where've you stuffed our laundry into? 'm afraid, I need to reuse a set. The bag already in the car?"
Sam looked up from his laptop frowning at his brother. "No, it's your turn. I didn't do anything."
"Then where're my clothes?" Dean shot his brother a confused look, clutching the small towel to his hips with one hand.
"I have no idea...," Sam mumbled and started rummaging through his own duffel bag. "My things 're missing, too."
Suddenly Dean groaned. Could it really be...? "Sam, do you think Cas has...?"
The other Winchester nodded slowly. "You practically told him to do our next laundry... And the way you've been bitching about having to wash our stuff this evening the entire day, he really couldn't miss it."
A familiar flutter of wings made both hunters turn around, awaiting to see their friend with a bag full of freshly cleaned clothes. "Hello, boys." Instead, they looked into the smug face of Zachariah.
The sleazy Angel made a show of looking around the room before Dean finally snapped, "All right, I'll bite. What are you searching for?"
"Little brother of mine. You might know him: insubordinate, very self-opinionated, deluded, stubborn, mulish, weak. Oh, and he happened to pull you out of Hell. I had hoped to finally get my hands on all three members of the infamous Team Free Will."
Sam and Dean exchanged looks. They needed to get the hell out of dodge without Zachariah following them. And they had to warn Castiel.
"You don't happen to know his current whereabouts?"
Both brothers kept their mouths shut tightly, not willing to give away their friend.
"Oh, come on, boys. I could simply snag that piece of information from your sorry excuse of a brain."
"He's...," Sam stared, glancing at his brother for reassurance.
"He's doing our laundry," Dean said, looking Zachariah in the eye.
The smug Angel frowned at both brothers somewhat flabbergasted and blinked a few times before he opened his mouth - and closed it again.
Sadly, it took only a few seconds for Zachariah to shrug off his bafflement. "You two yahoos made an Angel of the Lord wash your dirty underwear?"
Sam and Dean nodded hesitantly.
"Castiel is doing your laundry?"
Again both Winchesters nodded. They were ready for Zachariah to attack them any second now, the brothers even expected him to smite them where they were standing. But they certainly were not ready for him to erupt into guffaws.
Sam and Dean exchanged looks, trying to decide what to do. The balding Angel was still laughing, tears started streaking down his face, his body doubled over, shaking with laughter.
Hastily, cautiously and as sneaky as possible they took their duffels and made a quick retreat towards the car.
They could still hear Zachariah guffawing over the rumble of the engine as they pulled out of the motel's parking lot and Sam dialed Castiel's number.