Yeah, another stupid week. Honestly, I am fucking fed up at this point, with myself and with about 99.99999% of the world. Just fucking sign me out already.
I'mma vent for one second because people in my actual life are making me homicidal with frustration, so I'm going to take it out on people whom I don't know and who don't care what I think, because I have about as much control over those people as I have over the people I know who can't fucking get their shit together:
WHAT is the goddamn fucking point of having a regular cast member who is not in even half the fucking episodes, who has the barest fragments of a storyline, and who is in an episode for an average of five minutes? Seriously, can you answer me this? Yeah, I'm a bit angry because Cas was in the credits tonight and he didn't actually show up, unless he was invisible or pretending to be one of the glowy lights. COME THE FUCK ON. He's an amazing character, he has a potentially very interesting and compelling storyline, the demand for him to actually be a character who shows up more than twice every five episodes is present, and it's just frustrating having him be barely there at all. It's like the search for God all over again.
I mean, we know Cas can have a story that's actually shown, instead of just told in recap, from numerous episodes in S4: 4.07, 4.10, 4.16, 4.20, and 4.21 all have significant space devoted to Cas (or Jimmy, in the case of 4.20), and this in no way detracts from the main storyline that Dean and Sam are pursuing. We don't get that again until 5.10, and then 6.03. I'm still at a loss to explain why they didn't run with that same approach with Cas in S5, even as something to provide some goddamn variety to spice up the perpetual menu of Dean And Sam's Co-Dependent Adventure. It just, it kills me that the writers have such a cool character whom they seem to be keeping around just because he's popular, not because they're actually going to do anything with him other than have him show up for a couple minutes, bicker with Dean, and then leave.
Come on, writers. Step it the fuck up already.
Honestly, my annoyance with that probably unfairly ruined what was, objectively, a very entertaining and hilarious episode. I mean, WOOLSEY! WOOLSEY, EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!! I made a shrill, joyful sound when I saw him; I actually said to my mom "Look! It's the doctor from Voyager!" because Robert Picardo will always be the doctor from Voyager first, and Woolsey second. Now I guess he can be a leprechaun as number three in my List Of Associations.
I knew from last week what the MotW would be, but it was still quite fun having the alien crop circles mixed in with the fairy rings, and the conflation of fairy abduction/alien abduction. And having Doctor-Woolsey-Leprechaun masquerading as a UFO buff to keep people like Dean and Sam off his trail. For some reason, it pleased me that they were in Indiana for this--maybe it makes my state (temporary state) cool by association, I don't know, but I kind of got a kick out it.
There's plenty of corn at least, and really, you'd figure that that Patrick Brennan kid would know better than to venture out into the middle of a cornfield at night. Scary-ass children come out of those things! They're huge! The cornfield, I mean, not the kids, and probably you could be lost in a big one until you go crazy from the endless rustling sounds and the sameness of acre after acre of absolutely identical, genetically-engineered Monsanto corn, and finally you curl up and die and your body is chewed up by a harvester and goes on to become part of the HFCS that in turn becomes part of someone's Coke. It's the circle of life, my friends. The circle of life. It's a bitch.
Unfunny moments: little people jokes and vaguely homophobic remarks are not really attractive, original, or amusing, Ben Edlund. LACK OF CASTIEL WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT.
Hilarious moments: no other SPN writer can write snappy, funny dialogue quite like Ben Edlund, or manage the weird balance of hilarity/omfgdepression in the same way that he can. The format of the credits (aside from the flagrant lie about Cas being in them, and I don't care if that shot was perfect, don't put it in if he's not fucking showing up Jesus Hortensius Christ), the ET reference with the comet. There are few things more hilarious than Dean Winchester when he's totally freaking out and trying to keep it together, especially when Sam (even soulless Sam) is all "dude, calm the fuck down, it's cool," and Dean is all "YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY APPRECIATE HOW UNCOOL THIS IS FOR ME RIGHT NOW." And then Dean being all chuffed about kicking faery ass.
Human souls have a... perfume. I'm thinking Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs needs to get on this. What would a human soul smell like? For myself, I'm thinking something chocolatey in the oven, just as it's starting to finish baking, like brownies or something. You know, when you're tired and annoyed and sitting there waiting for some soothing chocolatey goodness any minute now, and then you take a breath and mmmmmm, nom, chocolate, and you know that heaven on earth will be yours in just a few minutes? Yeah. That is the odor of goddamn Paradise.
I kind of wish Sam had taken Doctor-Woolsey-Leprechaun up on his deal, because then Sam would have his soul back and then they could say "fuck you" to Crowley, and then they could spend the rest of the season teaming up with Cas and being awesome. PROBLEM SOLVED.
Next time: Oh hey look, CAS. And I knew this was going to be the one fun episode before something depressing and/or awful happens. My money is on Gwen biting it, because she's the only Campbell I actually sort of like.
(eta: No rehashing the Cas-lessness in this episode in the comments, if possible. Let's just confine this to what was actually, you know, in the episode.)
34600 / 50000 words. 69% done!
Now I'm going back to having issues processing the salmon I had for dinner. Urgh.