Yes, things have been crap lately, so I've been invisible. Vomiting up negativity isn't terribly attractive. Also, I've been sleeping around ten hours a day in between trying to finish the pile of crap that is my dissertation, so that doesn't leave much time for anything else. Damn, but the switch back to standard time sucks all the life and joy out of me.
Just a short review tonight, mostly random, less nerd than last week.
One thing you should know about me: I still have not forgiven my mom for taking me to go see All Dogs Go to Heaven. IT WAS HORRIBLE. As you might imagine, when I saw the title for this ep, I was very suspicious. And, as you might also imagine, I was pretty sure poor, creepy skinwalker dude was going to end up dead. If you were, like me, unfortunate enough to see the movie, his dog-shape being a German Shepherd was a callback to that HORRIBLE AWFUL CARTOON THING OF AWFULNESS.
Yes yes, I know they're supposed to be evil and they want to make more monsters, and "Lucky" was seriously, seriously creepy (and about eleven million different kinds of fucked up), checking his "owner" out when she was in the shower, but still... DOGS. Those of you who have read here regularly at any point in the past several years know I'm very fond of them. I'm not sure how fond of them I would be if it ended up they were weird-ass psycho monsterpeople in disguise, but there you go.
As far as I can remember, SPN has only mentioned skinwalkers once (maybe twice), way way way back in S1. I've been rewatching S1 as I do edits, and I've been thinking it would be pretty neat if S6 went through all the monster names that previous seasons have casually tossed out. My vote for a MotW in the second half of the season goes to the Phantom Gasser.
The poor skinwalker guy this week is pretty much the embodiment of why having Purgatory be for monsters' souls is such an odd concept. As I think someone said last week, Limbo would be a bit more appropriate, and even then, if you're a werewolf, vampire, or skinwalker and you've been turned against your will, theologically speaking, are you culpable for killing people? I have no idea; it's one of the very few things Augustine didn't talk about. And, I guess, can you get out of Purgatory, after you've finished atoning for all the things you did? For that matter, is there a difference between werewolves, who kill compulsively, and, say, shapeshifters, who seem to kill just because they like it? No idea. Fuck it, I'm not thinking about this tonight.
So, let's talk about Sam and Dean.
First of all, the deal that Sam and Dean need to make with Crowley is that they hand him an Alpha and Crowley takes off about 2/3rds (at least) of Sam's sideburns. SERIOUSLY. Like, I am less concerned about Sam's soul at this point than I am about his sideburns, because they are so distractingly awful. They make it hard to focus on Sam being a de-souled, manipulative jerkface.
For most of this episode, I was prepared to write Sam off as a lost cause, and while I'm still not convinced that he's not going to turn around and sell Dean out for a Coke Zero, at least at the end he seems (???????) to recognize that being soulless isn't the best way to be. It's a realization that, had Dick Cheney had it 60 years or so ago, would have spared the United States, and the world, a lot of unnecessary suffering. I can only hope he actually means that, and isn't saying it just to keep Dean roped in enough to keep helping him. You manipulative asshole, Sam.
Speaking of manipulative assholes, why do I like Crowley so much? He's unrepentantly horrible, and that just never flies with me. Still, I like him, goddammit.
Dean... oh, Dean.
Random observation: The colors in this episode were weirdly saturated, I imagine to contrast more obviously with SkinwalkerVision(TM). It was rather bizarre, and pretty hilarious. I mean, you could see the ridiculous amount of makeup they put on Jared to keep his face from being a ridiculous beigey blur after postproduction.
Next week: YES. YES. OH HELL YES. *claps hands* My one reservation (there's another, but I'm withholding it because I'm trying to keep things light): that this is going to be the hilarious, light-hearted episode they drop in right before things go incredibly to shit. If 6.10 is going to be the midseason hiatus as usual, and if it follows the precedent set by 5.10, which hit a kazillion on the Oh Fucking Shit Depressingometer, I'mma be worried.
22491 / 50000 words. 45% done!
.eta: Bush would have failed my comp class
so damn hard.
Much more amusing to contemplate.