random things I put in comments!

Jan 26, 2009 15:59

From various places on my flist:

Drop me a comment, and I'll tell you the first thing that comes into my mind when I think of you, whether it makes sense or not.

I was pretty productive this morning despite having to drag myself out of bed and despite almost falling asleep in the shower. This is pleasing to me.


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sga:fic.mcshep, fic.commentish, sga:fic.commentish, sga:fic.au, spn:fic

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ladycat777 January 26 2009, 21:38:35 UTC
He's gone before she can tell him don't be stupid, she's fine. Except she doesn't feel fine, spinning and spinning on a bed that shouldn't be moving. She closes her eyes and whimpers, hating how weak she sounds. When John comes back he's carrying a bag that produces antiseptic and bandages and warm water -- not cold, not now -- and later there's soup and juice -- pomegranate, mmmm -- and he stays with her the whole time, cuddled up close like he's kevlar, protecting her from the outside world.

"You have a job to do," she says, grumpy again. He won't let her have her laptop. Even worse, she can't really read well enough to use is, if she had it. "Why aren't you doing it?"

John looks at her, starburst eyes and grim, tightly controlled face, and says, "I am doing it."

After that she stops fighting as much. She's still grumpy and annoyed and hates that rehydration means going to the bathroom so much, because standing is evil, even with John wrapped around her like they're going dancing, but she's cooperative about it, at least.

John gets it, too. Around One Life To Live he stops looking like he's going to murder their tub. He still makes her watch soap operas, though. He says it's punishment for being stupid enough to forget to drink for two and fall over in the bathroom.

He never once says 'swoon'. Even when half her lab calls to double-check and the base-doctor makes a housecall that John didn't have to request.

Mer promises death to Carter. She is not some distressed maiden in a fairy tale.

But she is tired, the pregnancy weighing more heavily than she expects it too, and her head hurts. So when John rubs the back of her neck, slowly easing her onto his stiff, angular body until he reaches that point where he just goes fluid, meeting and matching all of her curves until he's the most comfortable thing ever, Mer doesn't say anything.

When he kisses her temple, though, she says, "I'm sorry I swooned."

He just kisses her again. "I'm waking you up in an hour."


aesc January 26 2009, 21:52:11 UTC
a;lskjs;dkfjdfd;fldfjl;kj!! OMG YES THAT ONE THAT VERY ONE!!!

I love how Mer is so prickly and independent, and grudgingly yet very much aware of the fact that she's better off with John than by herself, not because of her own failings or insufficiencies, but because they just work better together.

And the soaps as punishment! And the pomegranate juice! *happiest of happy sighs*


kashmir1 January 26 2009, 22:32:24 UTC
*hands over mouth*

Oh, oh - I was coming here to leave a comment for Aitches and this got me all distracted! (In a GOOD way!)

I just love this 'verse SO MUCH!

(Mer wants John to be angry at their kids. MY HEART!)


loriel_eris January 27 2009, 22:46:19 UTC
OMG adorable! *flails*


"You have to sound like this for our kids,"

*flails even more*!!!!


julia_here January 27 2009, 23:09:45 UTC
Oh, this is just entirely wonderful.

Julia, lovely, loverly-doverly


less_star January 28 2009, 01:44:33 UTC
Oh, this is fantastic. Sweet and domestic and John watches soap operas with her...Awwww


texanfan January 28 2009, 04:20:41 UTC
I think I collapsed at "You have to sound like this for our kids." That juse encapsulated so much right there. The trauma of the past, the hope for the future and the realization of just how perfect John is for her.


tzzzz January 28 2009, 08:04:19 UTC
That's too sweet. Thanks for writing.


crownglass39 January 31 2009, 19:12:55 UTC
Oh, Mer swooned with a side of protective!John!
Love this!


beadattitude February 3 2009, 22:22:06 UTC
::presses fics against chest:: Yes. This.


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