random things I put in comments!

Jan 26, 2009 15:59

From various places on my flist:

Drop me a comment, and I'll tell you the first thing that comes into my mind when I think of you, whether it makes sense or not.

I was pretty productive this morning despite having to drag myself out of bed and despite almost falling asleep in the shower. This is pleasing to me.


.eta: Now updated with commentfic! ladycat777 wrote some of her totally awesome Mer/John here (it continues into the next comment, it is a TWO PART COMMENTFIC HURRAH!), and I wrote a bit of subdued Dean and Castiel here for smilla02, occasioned by Kim Manners's death. RIP, my man.

sga:fic.mcshep, fic.commentish, sga:fic.commentish, sga:fic.au, spn:fic

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