Aug 15, 2004 22:54
Howdy Folks!
Been awhile since i posted so let me fill everyone in. Work has been pretty good :) My books have been getting slightly busier so that always rocks my world. Alaina ( a fellow hairdresser ) left this last week. Her last day here in Michigan is next saturday or sunday i think. Totally bummed about that. She's an awesome chick but if any of you ever go to Disneyland, tell Tinkerbell i said hello :) Hmmmm we've been kinda making it a party thing on Thursday nights too, which is fun. I miss that from my Duvall days. The gals dont stay as long but it's fun to have a beer or two after work. Going to a few hair classes tomorrow so that's gonna be interesting.
Hmmm home life has been kinda nice :) The 'rents went away for a few weeks again so it's kinda cool having the place to myself. Did some cleaning around here. The guinea pigs needed their nails cut so in an effort to save time and money, i attempted to do it at home. I'm always afraid they'll move and i'll hurt them but it was a success so maybe i can start keeping them up at home instead of having to go out to the vets all the time.
So i went on first date tonight and it went very well. Let me fill ya'll in on the juicy details. Alaina's best friend's cousin came in a few weeks ago for a haircut and he asked about me and what not. We finally had a chance to chat online for a few and we were going to attempt a first date at a baseball game or something of the like. Well, our schedules are pretty conflicting so we decided to go out for dinner tonight instead and try the game another day. Conversation went well... he did all the gentleman things that boys should do.. and i had a good time :) Hopefully we can hook up again this week to hit the state fair or something. Yeah yeah yeah to awesome first dates.
Blah ok i have some more to post but i have to get up early and i'm starting to fall asleep here. I'll get back this week and fill out the rest.