(no subject)

Oct 12, 2011 01:37

Things have taken...interesting turns.
What are societies coming to? I really wonder sometimes. I can't help but see/involve myself in the lives of those around me and see that everyone is so...confused. They're not unintelligent, or ignorant, or overtly naive...they're just confused. Truly...in every sense of the word. They have the most "advanced" medical industrialization the world has ever seen. They have the most intra/inter-communicative world history has ever known. They have everything. Literally. Other countries exist to find a specific market catering to the American ideal of society. Not ALL other countries, but certain, "third-world" ones (and a couple of "second" and maybe even some "first" world ones).
Americans see 3,000 advertisements a day. Three. Thousand. All of them designed to make you believe you NEED their product to advance yourself as a human being in modern society. To what?Show off your fancy new iPad/SmartPhone/fashionattireblahblahblahblahblahblahblah? How many months do you think it will be before the gadget you bought becomes outdated...by a new gadget...that does the exact same thing. Gotta new truck? Cool. How much did you spend for the "power" you didn't really need to drive to Cook-Out and back every night? Signed up for a credit card? Sweet, bro. Have fun setting trends for yourself that'll lead you to debt, rejection, and loss. Goin' to grad school? Well...so is everyone these days, it seems. Not to burst your bubble, but if you flood any market its going to sink(decreaseinvalue). So if EVERYONE goes to college because EVERYONE wants a "well-paying" job, then eventually EVERYONE who gets a degree is going to have to find employment elsewhere (...wait...that sounds familiar...) or else get more schooling. But what if everyone knows that now and still wants to cling to the belief that "if I get a degree everything's going to be ok" and realizes once they're "doctors" and Ph.D's an'whatnot that...wait....everyone else is too...

...yeah...they're gonna be pissed. 'Cause they're in debt. And they're going to go bankrupt, because all of their highly standardized educational models couldn't predict the consequences of the basic economic principle that if you flood a market, the commodity becomes less valuable.

People don't think.
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