Jul 06, 2008 01:07
Well, how about that then. No more Whoniverse until December, and I'm rather sad about that.
However, the ep didn't fill me with as much squee as last weeks did; in fact part of me feels rather let down. Not going to poke myself too hard to find out why though.
.So what was good?
Tosh saving her Torchwood team from the grave
Jack in general (loved that little wink and his reaction to 3 doctors)
Sarah Jane
The Doctor asking Gwen about her family, ending our Gwyneth speculation.
Multiple companion piloted TARDIS
Ianto and Gwen laughing during the earth's ride home (for some reason that really tickled me, I've come out of these 2 episodes absolutely adoring the Ianto and Gwen friendship dynamic; I want to see more of it in Torchwood)
What wasn't so good.
Donna - they've basically killed her, and Donna has been the best thing this season. This makes me sad.
the ending - just when we thought Rose had grown up a bit and moved on, we find she hasn't. How uninspiring.
Jack's indestructible clothes of doom and his Super Coat. Actually I find this a bit silly rather than not good and if we can't even get a completely nekkid Jack on Torchwood this year we certainly ain't going to get him on Who. One can but hope.