Aug 02, 2013 12:27
So, I'm just about to do a bit more on Reign of Scars (my non-fixit post CoE HL/TW fic) and I realise that I'll have to change the music I'm listening to in order to write.
I'm currently playing a bunch of various tunes that have just about 1 thing in common, they're stuff I regard as danceable and therefore quite chirpy sounding (even if the lyrics are kind of depressing such as with Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division or Disappoint by Assemblage 23).
For Reign of Scars, chirpy sounding is no good as it doesn't promote the right mindset for the fic. For this story, I need angry, bitter and hopeful (yes, all at the same time). Right, time to dig out the Obsessive Compulsive and Pro-Jekt again. There's a reason I'm using a Pro-Jekt song as the title for this fic, and it's not just for their sound; this is the first line of the chorus of the song I've used for the title of the fic...
"If I could, then I would change everything"
Pretty much says everything about a non-fixit post Children of Earth fic written from the points of view of the characters left behind, don't you think?
Right, off to battle with the muses and the music.
A bit later I might go to Lush, I fancy trying their solid henna tomorrow so my hair at least starts off smelling nice for my Sherlockian Sunday. I'm hoping London isn't as hot on Sunday as it was yesterday (34 celcius I think)!