Another meme, because I can't resist music memes

Jan 16, 2011 22:58

1. Open up your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc.)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question below type the song that’s playing. When you go to a new question, press the next button
5. No repeat artists.
6. No cheating or doctoring your list to make yourself look cooler than the person you took this from.

Opening Credits: Savior of the Waking World - Homestuck Vol. 5 (Instrumental)

Song for a Winter’s Night: Unnatural Selection - Muse
They'll laugh as they watch us fall,
The lucky don't care at all,
No chance for fate,
It's unnatural selection,
I want the truth

First Day of School: The Rookie - Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori (Instrumental)

Falling in Love: Call Me Call Me - The Seatbelts
I had your number quite some time ago,
Back when we were young,
But I had to go.
Ten thousand years I've searched it seems and now,
Got to get to you,
Won't you tell me how?

Breaking Up: 27th Ave. Shuffle - Foxboro Hottubs
Things are so much harder now
No matter how I try
Junkyard days and toxic waste
Sill love is on my mind

Prom: Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For the Two of Us - My Chemical Romance
Well I'll choose the life I've taken, never mind the friends I'm making
and the beauty that I'm faking lets me live my life like this
And well I find it hard to stay, with the words you say
Oh baby let me in
Oh baby let me in

Life’s OK: Shipmeister's Humoresque - Yoko Shimomura (Instrumental)

Mental Breakdown: Dissident - Pearl Jam
She gave him away when she couldn't hold, no, she folded
A dissident is here
Escape is never the safest path
Oh, a dissident, a dissident is here

Driving: Symphony Number 5 in C-Sharp Minor: III. Scherzo - Gustav Mahler (Instrumental)

Flashback: Swap Meet - Nirvana
They lead a lifetime that is comfortable
They travel far to keep their stomachs full
They make their living off of arts and crafts
The kind with seashells, driftwood and burlap
They make a deal when they come to town
The Sunday swap meet is a battle ground
She loves him more than he would ever know
He loves her more than he would ever show

Getting Back Together: Harry's Game - Celtic Woman (Irish, translated)
I will go east and go west
From whence came
The moon and the sun
The moon and the sun will go
And the young man
With his reputation behind him
I will go wherever he came from -
The young man with his reputation behind him

Wedding Scene: Giza Plains - Hitoshi Sakimoto (Instrumental)

Sex Scene: Good Day Sunshine - The Beatles
Then we lie beneath a shady tree
I love her and she's loving me
She feels good, she know she's looking fine
I'm so proud to know that she is mine

Shelter: The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street

Birth of Child: Houses of the Holy - Led Zepplin
Let me take you to the movies. Can I take you to the show
Let me be yours ever truly. Can I make your garden grow

Final Battle: Little Miss Can't Be Wrong - Spin Doctors
I hope them cigarettes are gonna make you cough
Hope you hear this song and it pissed you off
I take that back I hope you're doing fine
And if I had a dollar I might give you ninety-nine

Death Scene: Top - Live
Pick me up and put me on the ground
Set me up and spin me all around
No, you are not the one
You are not the one, no sir

Funeral Scene: Welcome to Paradise - Green Day
Dear mother, can you hear me crying?
It's been six whole months since I have left your home
It makes me wonder why I'm still here
For some strange reason it's now feeling like my home, and I'm never gonna go
Pay attention to the cracked streets and the broken homes
Some call it slums, some call it nice
I wanna take you through a wasteland I like to call my home
Welcome to paradise

End Credits: What Happened to You? - The Offspring
Man you're really losing it
And you've really done a lot of junk now
But you keep on abusin' it
What in the world happened to you?

Conclusion: Hero is a chill kind of guy. He has a cool girlfriend, great friends, and a sweet life (Opening Credits). But a cross-country move forces him to start his senior year of high school in a whole new universe, and the people there are the nastiest sort of snobs and assholes you could think of. Top it off with the news that his girlfriend is breaking up with him, citing too much distance, and Hero is on the ropes (Song for a Winter's Night). He begins the school year unsure of his new surroundings, and the first day feels like he's fighting a cold war (First Day of School). But on the way home from school, while he's waiting to cross the street, he spies a familiar face: Cecilia, a girl he knew from his childhood. They were friends once upon a time, and they chat as they walk home, catching up. Hero finds out that CC (as she prefers to be called) lives just a couples blocks from him, and gives him her number. That night, he finds a scrap of paper in the box full of junk he brought from his old house...and it has her number on it. Seems she gave it to him years ago, and he never used it. He can't get her out of his head, and soon one thing leads to another, and they're dating (Falling in Love). But this relationship isn't all sunshine and roses; CC and Hero bicker constantly, fighting about the tiniest of things. They've both got iron wills and thick heads, but they always manage to make up harder than they fight...until one day, when CC explodes at Hero for forgetting to pick her up from a show, and he drives off without her. Being single doesn't treat Hero well though, and he starts a downward spiral. His grades suffer, he starts hanging with the dealers, and it looks like he might be in danger of not graduating. Thoughts of CC consume him. (Breaking Up). Hero ends up going to prom alone, and he sees CC there with a sleaze named Xander. Xander is exactly the kind of preppy douche that's always put Hero down, and tonight is no different. Ignoring Xander, Hero tries to entice CC back by playing hard to get, but he can't keep his real feelings hidden, and he ends up begging her to take him back. Disgusted, CC tells him she never wants to see him again, and leaves with Xander (Prom).

Hero manages to graduate, but he's got no aspirations of higher education, and his job at the local auto-body shop is barely enough to get by. Still, sick of his homelife, he gets an apartment and a busted up old van, and sets about trying to piece together a life. He lies to himself every minute of every day that this is what he wants, that everything's fine, no sir, no problems here (Life's OK). Meanwhile, CC is coming to realize what life with Xander means, and her regrets about Hero torment her. Finally she gives up and walks out on Xander, and gives that phone number a try, the one she hadn't called in months (Mental Breakdown). But Hero can't just go back like that, he's too proud. He goes for a drive to clear his head, and for some reason the classical station cuts straight through the bullshit to the heart of the matter (Driving). Hero remembers the emotional roller coaster the was life dating CC. The constant verbal sparring matches, the shouting, the silent treatments...and the knowledge, right down to his soul, that CC was more in love with him than even she understood, and vice versa (Flashback). He calls CC, and agrees to meet her at a Waffle House in between his apartment and where she's living with her parents. Over a plate of hash browns, they talk, and when talk turns to yelling and the manager tells them to take it outside, everything comes out. It ends with CC swearing her faithfulness to Hero forever, wrapped as always in three backhanded insults and topped with angry tears, as if she's livid at him for tearing something like that from her (Getting Back Together).

The next few years are a blur, as Hero quits his job and they go on the road, searching for someplace that calls out to them to settle down. Along the way they get married, a decision made when CC idly asks if Hero had ever thought about it, and Hero idly suggests they do it, and that's that (Wedding Scene). They stop on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere to consummate the marriage in a sunny, flowered meadow. It's so unlike either of them, but the experience is mind-blowing, and they both agree after the fact that being ironic occasionally is kind of fun (Sex Scene). But all good things must come to an end, and so one day the tension that characterizes their relationship boils over yet again, this time in the middle of the city, and an eight-months-pregnant CC hops in a cab to who knows where. Hero won't let himself become the wreck CC's absence has turned him into in the past, so he finds he a job, a place to live, and swears he will stay there the rest of his life. CC will just have to come to him (Shelter). CC, far away from Hero, gives birth to a daughter, Lea, and begins seeing a man named David. He is classy, charming, good with children, and a rock, the exact opposite of Hero. CC believes herself happy with him for a long time (Birth of Child).

Lea grows up, and soon is a beautiful young woman, the perfect melding of CC and Hero. In her, all CC can see is her father: she has his recklessness, his impatience, his quick temper, his impulsiveness. It takes a while, but eventually CC realizes her mistake once more in leaving Hero. Under the guise of a family road trip, CC, David, and Lea drive to Hero's apartment, which CC found by tracing job records. Hero is exactly as she remembers him: belligerent, angry, and impossible to resist. He's older, of course, but that makes no difference. David, of course, is furious, and demands CC choose, and she'd best choose well. Hero, having spent years knowing this moment would come, uses the same technique he failed at all those years before at prom: he plays hard to get, taunting CC, telling her how much better off he is without her, but he knows she'll understand. After all, wasn't that always how it was? Love was never straightforward for them. It came disguised as hate and anger and snark, but under it all was hard and pure as a diamond (Final Battle). In the end, CC turns to David and tells him she's sorry, because he's a good man, but not the man for her. She thanks him for all the help and devotion he showed, and how he helped raise Lea, but that it's time to part ways. David, for his part, accepts it as best he can; stiffly, and with more than a little resentment at having lost to the scruffy auto-mechanic (Death Scene). He leaves, and Lea turns to greet her father. As the sun sets on an old life and rises on a new one, Hero puts an arm around Lea and takes her out to show her around his land, his paradise (Funeral Scene). Far, far away, and a lifetime ago, Xander, stoned out of his mind, sits in a back alley, while one of his old prep friends berates him, wondering just what happened to turn him into this mess (End Credits).

...Holy SHIT where did that come from?

music, meme

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