time for a life update

Nov 20, 2010 12:14


Things have been moving fast and now the next couple of months are looking AWESOME. Thanks to some proactive-ness by yours truly, the family plan to go to Disney World right after Christmas is looking like it might actually happen. DISNEY WORLD! ZOMG.

Also, I've had plans for a while to attend Zenkaikon in March outside Philly, but last night it became apparent that I'm going to be attending Katsucon as well, near D.C. SO MANY NEW CONS. SO EXCITE.

But yeah, Katsucon's kind of a funny story...I just sort of randomly contacted one of the guys on the MS Paint Adventures forums (aka the HOMESTUCK forums), and it turns out that he was already organizing a huge group of cosplayers to go to Katsu, and the one character that they needed was THE ONE I WAS GOING TO COSPLAY (that's Mr. Chill and Purple up in the icon). And then he told me about this brilliant thing I had never heard of called megabus, which is basically a bus to anywhere in the northeast for like a DOLLAR. Plus he's a really cool guy and we really hit it off, and he told me I'd fit well into the group and that they'd love to have me, so...yay? Looks like I'm going to Katsucon!

So, to recap: Disney in December, Katsu in February, and Zenkai in March. WHOO!

con going, cosplay, awesome things, life rocks

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