So many windows in our new house. We love it, and our animals love it, too! They spend countless hours staring out the windows and interacting with other animals that pass by. Kippy screams at passing dirtball kitties, while Squirrelly taunts the male squirrels in the neighbour hood with her lovely squirrel-girl scent.
Don't feel sorry for Squirrelly. She has a great life with us indoors, and she is one out of millions of squirrels in this world. She is spoiled, as my pictures show, and I can assure you that she misses nothing but my kisses when I am at away.
I love Squirrelly's butt! She has the best bum in the world, and she cleans it quite regularly, which is more than I can say for my cat. My cat is not only too fat to clean her own butt, but I think she is also too fat to chase the squirrel. They are both pathetic excuses for their species, and I love them for being such losers!
You can't see it in this image, but if you click to the next image, you will get a surprise! She is not onlyl getting a glimpse of the great outdoors, but she is......
Yuck! If you had any question about squirrells being completely vegetarian, I think this answers that. I tried to get it away from her, but she was fiercely protective of her find. I was already taking pictures, so I just had to capture this! If you click on the image, it will take you to a larger shot of this - just so you can see her crunchin' away at the dead frog:0)
I saw a little video clip once of a squirrel eating and earthworm, and I was left wondering how desperate that squirrel must have been for food to do such a thing. I am starting to think that they do have some minor amounts of meat in their diet, and I am sure that they end up eating bugs while eating all the fruit and nuts that they eat - BUT A DRIED UP OLD FROG - YUCK!!!!