Actually, now I've sat back from this one a bit - I get what was bugging me about the Amazon scenes - they reminded me of those awfully naff baddies in Dark Angel and all that stupid snake stuff. And they were terribly easy to kill, weren't they - bang and they are dead. So I really hope the show doesn't bother bringing them back as a MOW unless they write them up a bit into something more kick ass. A bit of an insult to proper Amazon legend, all in all. But yes, the Brother bits saved this episode.
Oh on the Bobby front, I'm still not convinced, I hope they don't make it as straightforward as the "Then" bit seemed to be implying.
I know the feeling. I loved the idea of the Amazons being in the show but the way they were used in this episode left me more than a little disappointed. The way it kind of left off like that makes it seem like we'll see more of them in the future but I hope it's an empty threat because I'm happy leaving them be.
If it wasn't for our boys being our boys, I think I would call this episode a complete write-off.
Agree with the Bobby thing too. I'm kinda hoping it's a red herring of some sort and it'll turn out to be something completely different or that it is just "wishful thinking".
Comments 2
But yes, the Brother bits saved this episode.
Oh on the Bobby front, I'm still not convinced, I hope they don't make it as straightforward as the "Then" bit seemed to be implying.
If it wasn't for our boys being our boys, I think I would call this episode a complete write-off.
Agree with the Bobby thing too. I'm kinda hoping it's a red herring of some sort and it'll turn out to be something completely different or that it is just "wishful thinking".
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