Dec 24, 2006 18:06
Right. Short. To point.
Sunday: yom iyun in "yetzira ba'yahadut". Watched movie about religious women's take on brit milla and talked to director. Much enjoyment. Many tears.
Had harkada where new "bruria" dance was made up to tune of yehe shlama raba. Much laughter. Later sang kareoke; wasn't very kareoke-l;ike as everyone sang everything anyway, including the rap songs.
Monday: went on four-hour siyur that as far as I was concerned I learned only three things:1) Hertzel was only 1.55, 2)PrintShop or something like it, existed in 1898, 3) "yom huledet chagiga nechmedet" used to be a wedding song that was then turned into the victory anthem during "milchemet hasafot". Cool fact: at bottom of Ben Yehuda street stopped to look at the statue you can step on (sewer top with hand print of right hand in it, featured in Mishu Larutz Ito) met artist who made statue and got full explination. Went home.
Tuesday: went to Naomi's for presents (yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! So nice, so prettiful, so appreciated...) and sufganiyot that came out a lot better than expected, but got headache from so much jelly. Stole Vivi from Rose and listened to Avenue Q until late.
Wednesday morning: went to shminiyot art show in Jerusalem with Vivi and Naomi, took lotsa pictures.
Rest of Wednesday+most opf Thursday: went to ma'agal ha'otzma with Rose, Abi and Dee and went to six classes: Capoera, how to defend yourself with a disability (I claimed the wheelechair), Tai Chi, Kickboxing, Taikwando and Krav Maga. Lots of pulled muscles. I also saw the recording of myself on the Russian channel thing. Much fun.
Thursday night: had oodles of fun at family Channuka party (scooped ice cream instead of Rafael!) looking forward to seeing them all in a month and a half at cousin's wedding. Yaaaaaaaaaay!
Friday: goofed off. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Shabbat: enjoyed time with assortment of friends. Was pleased to find that there are other cultured people like me out there who LIKE and understand Monty Python. People called Aaron.
Motzash: drove.
I like this new style...