Jan 31, 2010 17:44
... what you say I'm a bit too late?
No way! 2010 could only start for me after I finally handed in my thesis last Tuesday <3
The last days and weeks before the Deadline have been hellish. Luckily I could get one week extra time, because I've been ill. This basicly saved my ass....
The last four or five days before the original deadline I had been sleeping like 3hrs per day at most...
I think I never had such extreme side effects, because of not enough sleep. I started to see black dots jumping around the edge of my field of vision... and little flashes of light among the keys of my computer's keyboard.
In the end I called my dad like 5a.m. the morning I was suspposed to hand in the thesis... and I was like totally unable to really explain myself in decent sentences. I was all jumpy and nervous...
Luckily my Prof reminded me, that because I was sick some time before and got a note from the doctor for that (actually meant for my working place) I could apply for an extension >_< So in the end I had one week more time. I'm still extremely glad that my prof had been so nice and understanding... ;A;
This was only the peek of at least three months of concentrated work on my thesis, six months of less concetrated work, during which I still allowed myself to be disctracted by cosplay, cons and so on. And more than one year during which the whole subject and material and need for preparations loomed over my head... Yes I'm really glad it's over.
These past three months have been especially hard... I barely had time to meet anyone and my social life, online and offline is somewhere close to zero.
At this point I also want to mention something that slightly pissed me off. There were some people who were about to end our friendship, because oh my god, I suddenly had no time anymore to chat with them regulary for a longer time, was not my sweet charming self and maybe seemed to be nerved by everything they said easily.
Thank you guys. You made my life so much easier during that time! I never expected to get so much understanding from you, especially since most of you have been in the same situation not too long ago.
One person is somewhat extempt from this, because I know I reacted pretty much pissed and agressive when she just meant to be nice, but just happened to touch a very sensitive topic. The rest... really, I was dissapointed. I mean come on, I only talked regulary to Blue, who is my best friend. There were some other people who kept in contact and it was nice changing a few lines every two or three days. But at least they didn't get offended, if I didn't feel like chatting the whole night away and the conversation died pretty fast. The rest who was easily pissed at me before, might not be more happy with me in the future. There are still many things that need to be done, and even though I'll try to pay more attention to my social life again and take care of the contacts, I can already tell now, that I still won't have so much time and nerves for extended chats with many people.
Don't get me wrong I still love to talk to everyone from time to time. Writing comments here and there, reading journal entries about what's new in everyones life, meeting offline when the con-season starts again - or even before if I can spare the time. I just don't like the feeling of being forced to keep in contact with everyone - actually the best way to get rid of me, is by forcing yourself onto me too much.
I mean I can't be bestbestbest friends with everyone right? *sighs* I just wish some people could accept that >_<
Great now I'm feeling bad again for choosing quite direct and harsh words here...
And probably the wrong people will be offended now,thinking that I don't want to be friends with them...
Anyway as mentioned before, there are still quite a few things that need be done in 2010. After all finishing university, trying to decide on what I want to do in the future... this year will bring a lot of changes. I'm pretty much scared right now... but also slightly excited. I'm just beginning to grasp the wide range of possibilties that I have... There are easier ways I could choose, and harder ways... and some are just downright crazy. But I'm temtped to take the latter ones... Most of them will lead me to somewhere far away from germany and all my friends here :( This is probably the scariest part of it all...and I'm not sure if I'm really willing to take that step. I don't want to write too much about it right now though. ^^ I'll surely do later when I found out more on what I need to do to reach these goals. Or at least when I could finally decide on one...
For now I still have two large oral examens within the next three months... I'll go check the library tomorrow for literature on some of the subjects I might choose for those examens (luckily we can choose the subjects, we want to be tested on, ourselves).
Oh btw if any of the japanese students among my readers know an interesting novel, that is not too hard to read and hasn't been translated into english or german yet... please tell me! I still need some book from which I need to prepare 100 pages for a translation during my japanese examen :(
I really tried to relax these past days... but I can't XD Guess I need a set date for my examens first... so I have a reason to go into procrastination-mode again...
Also I won't be able to do much traveling before everything about the examens is decided and fixed :( I hope though, that I can do this within the next two weeks or so...
Other than that... the new Cosplay-season starts to creep up again. The Bookfair in Leipzig is not far away and I have a really tricky cos planned this time. But I'm looking forward to the work on it <3 Figuring out how to make it look good...
And of course I really want to meet everyone again,take pictures,marvel at other peoples cosplays... cosplay together with everyone. I miss it... really.
I'm still not in the mood for just occasionally putting on a cos and doing a shooting... but I feel the anticipation of the new cosplay season growing slowly but surely <3
Anyway that should be enough for now!
I need to answer more messages on mexx now and write a similar entry on Devart... and answer some memes. |D SO many things piledup during these past weeks! It's incredible... Hope to writing here soon
Rereading everything I notice that the spacekey is almost broken.
So apart from spending almost 50Euro on printing out my thesis and binding, I can now add the cost for a new keyboard to the amount of money I have spent during the past two weeks alone on my thesis. Not to speak of all the books and copies I had to pay for D:
OF COURSE! A big big 'THANK YOU! You're SO AWESOME' To everyone who took part in my survey <3 I had more than 200 participants in the end! <3 So I could use it really well for my thesis. If anyone is interested in getting the results just drop me a note :)
life university friends