Things have been somewhat less chaotic the last 2 weeks than the previous month, just going to class and not much else, especially since the Kid I live with now got himself his drivers liscence and is borrowing the car so I get stuck here in the house every other day all day. Its all really just a denouement to a larger pattern of change... I'd like to say its self control and harmonic attunement or its just things clicking into place in their proper time but its really the Dichotomy of Paradoxical Counterpointed Life Options squeezing my brain into new growth like a metaphysical steamroller.
I rescheduled the flight I had to Seattle to see a old friend on 9/15 to 11/11 (heh), 4 days after I'l get my student loan on 11/7. I'm only booked for 10 days there then I suppose I have to fly back to finish the semester & handle my debts then go to California to visit another friendnin January. My friend in Seattle says he could give me (as in for free) an old car of his thats actually in great shape, which makes living out west immeasurably easier, but Im not sure, maybe I dont really need it for the plans I have in mind after all. But it seems stupid to turn down...and driving down the Cascadia/Pacific coast is one of my favorite fantasies. But I guess I wouldnt want to take that drive in January, either fall or spring, right?
Descions, descions.