Apr 12, 2012 00:09
been working a lot on my mental health lately and it has been awesome - i've put some sincere effort into putting the depression behind me. thankfully i did not need any medication - oddly enough, just a few extra vitamins (?). didn't think it was that easy, and i doubted it, but i am taking 6 vitamins a day now, and haven't felt any pangs of mental pain.
made some adjustments socially too...i guess since last year, i had been so used to being kind of a recluse, so i made amends to some of my close friends and actually decided to go out and see them, not just talk about seeing them. walter, krista, jona, jason, chris...thanks so much! it feels good to know true friendship is really an amazing source of strength :)
also, as much as being at the pub is relaxing, easy, fun and virtually a walk in the park, i've decided to start looking for something more - on the same page as my cooking style. like i say, not ungrateful, and i certainly won't bear the burden i did at the bistro - but i'm keeping my eyes open. actively seeking won't solve anything, but keeping my options open is fun, especially considering that should i be patient enough, and hold out for the right job, it might be just the perfect fit for my life right now.
so yes! that's where i'm at. screwed up my back a bit working out, so that pretty much cancelled my routine for this week, but i should be fine for next week :)
and thank you kazi and tanya for your kind comments - i know we don't see each other, but your kindness is very much felt and appreciated :). much love <3
xoxo Jesse