Title: Oyasumi
aemrithPairing: Nakajima Yuto / OC [Ruu aka Umiko Louise]
Genre: Romance, Fluff(?)
Warning: erm... may be a lil too sweet for a typical Ruu-chan? *whacked*
Summary: Ruu's sick and Yuto gives her a call. He gets really worried you see.
Haven't really written a YuuRuu in a while. ^_^v
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Comments 8
you know, you should add some yamaruu oneshots cuz giving more yuuruu makes it easier to guess who's gonna end ymup with who in unfinished. xD
you know, you should add some yamaruu oneshots cuz giving more yuuruu makes it easier to guess who's gonna end ymup with who in unfinished. xD
you know, you should add some yamaruu oneshots cuz giving more yuuruu makes it easier to guess who's gonna end ymup with who in unfinished. xD
Ruu showed some sweetness ne~ Sugoi na~
Thanks for this. I've been searching the web for Yuto x OC stuff and this came up and... and ... this was great! I loved your "Silence of the Heart" oneshot, too.
Keep up the good work! :3
And a person who's looking for YutoXOC fics - HUG ATTACK!!!
I'm glad you liked them. Yoroshiku ne! ^_^
Hopefully I'll get my fics active again soon and *praying* I'll manage to write new ones. GANBARIMASU!
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