Title: Oyasumi
aemrithPairing: Nakajima Yuto / OC [Ruu aka Umiko Louise]
Genre: Romance, Fluff(?)
Warning: erm... may be a lil too sweet for a typical Ruu-chan? *whacked*
Summary: Ruu's sick and Yuto gives her a call. He gets really worried you see.
Haven't really written a YuuRuu in a while. ^_^v
Ruu can barely open her eyes as she taps on her bedside table, hoping to get a hold of her phone vibrating away.
She squinted as she slides to answer it, pulling it closer to her ear, “Hai…” she uttered, cursing inside as speaking makes her throat hurt more.
“Ruu-chan…” It was Yuto, and it was noisy then soon it was quiet - as if he moved somewhere. “You feeling okay?” he asked, as Ruu on the other hand cleared her throat. “I told you to…”
There was a sniff from the other line and soon, “I’m fine, I’m fine.”
Knowing him so well, Ruu knew Yuto wouldn’t buy that. “I’ve been telling you to stop staying up so late, you just won’t listen.” He sounded a little angry - well, it’s very seldom that he sounds like this.
“Not my fault I can’t sleep.”
“Will just you take me seriously here?” his voice raised a bit.
Ruu just coughed and nodded - then soon, realizing he can’t see her, “Fine. On your way home?” She asked, trying to change the topic - then again, it’s always like this when he gets to work till this late.
She listened as Yuto take some deep breaths, he’s trying to control his temper and soon Ruu heard his final sigh as if deciding to just let go of the argument, “…Yeah.” He answered, “Rehearsals were tough today.”
“Otsukaresamadeshita…” She cleared her throat again - this itchy sore throat just pisses the heck out of her.
“Sorry for waking you up…” Yuto uttered, hearing her trying to breathe evenly. It is almost twelve, and he just realized that he’s contradicting what he’s been telling her to do. “Go back to sleep, okay?”
Ruu chuckled, “I’m on bed but I can’t sleep.” She rubbed her eyes, “Take care on your way home.”
After feeling irritated with what her reply was, Yuto just said, “I’ll stay on the phone till you doze off…”
She was quick to counter, “Oh no… no…” she coughed a little, “I’ll try to sleep, I promise. You need some rest too.”
“Yuu-chan, it’s okay…” she smiled - somehow, its only Yuto that gets to make her feel this important. “I’ll call you first thing tomorrow morning.”
Yuto just got inside the van and settled himself at the back right away - the rest of JUMP busy with their own phone calls. “Alright then.” He uttered, still very hesitant, “…love you.”
“I know…” she smiled, “love you too…”
It’s been about an hour since she put her phone down, but Ruu still hasn’t managed to sleep. She even tried propping up a book (which usually works) but all she got was a mad headache… ‘Great…’ she thought and soon enough, she coughed again and was surprised as the hallway lights were on.
There was a slight knock on her door, and as it opened, Ruu’s mom, Anne, in her pajamas, peeked inside and turned on her light. “You sure you’re okay?” She asked, Ruu noted the curlers on her hair.
“Sorry… was I horribly loud?” she asked, covering her eyes from the light.
Anne approached her and felt her forehead, “You’re right about your fever coming.”
“Always.” Ruu chuckled then cleared her throat again. “I’ll be fine. Don’t act so worried, it’s annoying.” With this Anne laughed and kissed her daughter’s cheek. “’night mom…”
The moment Anne closed Ruu’s door behind her, she immediately grabbed her phone and went for the door.
Feeling chilly suddenly, Ruu pulled her sheets closer, cursing how it’s suddenly not long enough to cover her feet. She pulled her knees closer and coughed - this night can’t get any longer.
She badly wants some sleep. To her surprise, her phone started ringing, she was hesitant to answer since Yuto will be furious to know that she’s still up, but what the heck. “…Yuto…” she uttered, her voice kind of frustrated.
“…Un…?” he uttered, his voice hushed.
Ruu just coughed and cleared her throat - it’s horrible when she gets a sore throat and flu all at once. “I wanna sleep…” She’s vulnerable like this, but only he knows. “I hate this…”
“I know…” Yuto uttered. He listened as Ruu coughed more, he can hear her crying on the other line now.
“I wanna see you…” See when she’s sick, Ruu’s at her weakest. She hates the feeling of not really being able to do things that she wants, and she hates it the most when she can’t even breathe properly. Sure it’s a puny cold, but Ruu rarely gets sick so when she does, she despises it so much. “Sorry… I shouldn’t have said that…”
With this, Ruu heard someone turning her knob and she frowned.
Without opening her lights, and even with her tired eyes, she can tell from his form, his silhouette created by the lights from the hallways, she knows this person - every detail. “Yuto…?” she asked, as if confirming. “What are you…?”
She wasn’t able to finish her sentence, when Yuto just kneeled near her, his forehead touching hers, as he holds her hand. “I’m here…”
“You’ll catch my cold…”
“It’s fine.” He uttered, and soon, Yuto just laid beside her, hugging her from behind, instantly she felt warm - the chilliness just disappeared. She can feel his chin resting on her shoulder as he wraps his arms around her, their hands laced together.
“It’s late… what are you…”
“Right now, I just want to sleep… We both just have to sleep….” He whispered, nudging his face on hers.
Ruu cleared her throat and coughed a little, then she felt Yuto just hug her tighter and even kiss her cheek. “Yuu-chan…”
“Hmmm…?” he loves how she’s tiny in his arms, and it’s like there’s nothing that can touch her but him.
“Oyasumi…” with this, Ruu just hugged his arms tighter; her feelings are overwhelming. To have him beside her at a horrible time like this - it’s selfish, but she just loves every second.
Yuto smiled, “Oyasumi…” and answered.
After a while, he just stayed up, listening to her breathing. He will occasionally check if her fever has gone down. But really, nothing beats the relief of seeing her finally sleeping soundly. As he feels he’s drifting off as well, he gave her another peck, now on her lips, as he feels her breath on his, Yuto smiled as he hugged her tighter - here with her, it’s the perfect place for him. No matter what….
“You sure it’s okay letting them sleep together like this?” Jiro uttered the moment he and Anne stepped away from Ruu’s door. They’ve just had a peek inside.
Anne laughed, “You worry too much.” She patted on her husband’s shoulder, “I’m just glad they both get to sleep.”
Jiro finally agreed as they walk back to their room.
“Besides, they should’ve locked the door should they be thinking of doing something else…”
“Anne…” Jiro complained - what she said didn’t help him calm his mind down.
Ever so teasing, Anne just chuckled, “Just kidding. Those two are already satisfied just being next to each other.” With that, it’s as if it’s all clear. It’s true. Even Jiro agrees with what she said.
Thank you for reading! *^_^*
PS: This is in no way (shape or form) associated with my multi-chaptered fic "The Unfinished Story" though I make use of the same OC (Umiko Louise/Ruu)