Do you remember Sunshine? How could you forget? He is almost full grown now. He even spends his evenings with the big bats.
I visited the bats on my day off yesterday. That's Sunshine on my shirt. It gives you a good size comparison (and me an incentive to lose weight).
Here's Kuri. She always looks good.
Little Tyrant lives up to his name. He is just a bit younger than Sunshine, but has a completely different personality since he was mother reared.
I am not sure which female Large Flying Fox this is, but I thought it'd make a nice photograph. They hang with their wings out like this to sun themselves.
Last and certainly not least is Raja. Raja has had a long life, but he has some chronic and painful issues which he has been battling for a while now. He will be humanely euthanized soon. I came to say good-bye to him. He is a sweet boy, and I will miss him a lot.
Photos were taken by Mark.