Fixed my quiz

Nov 28, 2008 17:41

It's so much better now. If you took it before, please, please, re-take it.

Your result for The Discovering your inner Flying Fox Test...

Little Golden Mantled Flying Fox

33 Hypo, 64 Pumilus, 22 Vamp and 25 Giganteus!

You are most like a Little Golden Mantled Flying Fox (Pteropus pumilus). Little golden mantled flying foxes are loaners, which tend to squabble with their neighbors. They get along well with members of other species, though, and can be quite friendly, especially when food is involved.

Little Golden Mantled Flying Foxes are native to the Phillipines, where they eat a variety of fruit, flowers, and leaves. The are one of the smaller flying foxes, being slightly smaller than the average person's hand. Flying foxes are an important part of the rainforest ecosystem. They pollinate plants, and disperse seeds, helping to regrow the forest.

Take The Discovering your inner Flying Fox Test
at HelloQuizzy

quizzes, bats

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