Things I learned today:

Jul 23, 2008 23:17

- It really is possible to spend $250/night on a hotel. I mean, I always knew that but I had never actually booked a hotel that costs that much (for work).
- Somewhere along the line I became that girl that is very much concerned about the fact that her clothes are dry clean only and it is a TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR and she doesn't have an umbrella.
- I will inevitably sit next to the person who is taking up one and a half seats on the bus because they are leaning/sitting spread legged/have a wide load. Also, the person with too much cologne is also a common seat-mate
- Electric vibrators do have one weakness: thunderstorms.
- Zesting limes is a bitch.
- When making lime juice, the lime juice will find every tiny cut and crevice on your hands and burn for the following 20+ minutes.
- Despite the fact that I chose to make Lime Zest Cheesecake for my gathering, or whatever the fuck it is called, I don't actually like cheesecake.

Side note:
Today my package from amazon arrived (I have an amazon credit card, every once and awhile I get a $25 giftcard), and watch the nerdiness:
Promised Land: The American Encounter with the World Since 1776
The Radicalism of the American Revolution
(coincidently, both of these won the Pulitzer Prize for History. Which I didn't know until just now. Here's to hoping they're good).
Batman Begins ($6! Just as well, as soon as I got it they had like, back to back showings of it on TNT. Ppfft.)
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