Jul 29, 2008 14:45
I have fifteen minutes to explain a total of two years... Not possible unless I sum it all up into just a few words... But those who know me, know that may be the impossible as well... Yet, here is a try...
1) I moved in with a complete and total crazed woman that stole a good few thousand from me and then ditched me in a flooded apartment to deal with the damage......
2) I have fallen in love, though I think I had mentioned that in an earlier post... He is mine, my own personal Army soldier... Love.. Something I finally understand for once..
3) I moved to Baton Rouge... Yeah, thats right.. The Boot.
4) I relasped for what felt like years but turns out it was only a few months.. Estacy is a drug in more than one way... A gateway to how he wish to feel yet leaves you thinking that you can't unless you are high....
5) I got hit by a car. Yeah, you heard me. I got hit by a car... Ask my friends about that one, you'll actually laugh...
6) I am okay.
Okay, so you don't have to believe that one, but it is actually true.
I am really, just... Okay.