Lots of good news today! The best is that I had a doctor's appointment with my GI today and he says it's probably fine if I have one or two drinks a week even while on the methotrexate, and I don't even want to drink that much (maybe one or two a month). So, now I don't have to be all grumpy whenever anybody wants to go to something alcohol-related. It's not that I want to go out and get drunk every night, it's just that it was very frustrating not to have the option of doing something even if I don't really want to do it all that often. Also, my old advisor sent an email: "The paper looks much better now!!" Hopefully, he won't ask me for any more edits on it. Oh, and I managed to finish my complexity problem set this time without using too many Dubious Resources :-P
My mother came a-visiting last weekend, taking a break from her geneological research vacation. Apparently I have a great-great uncle who was murdered by the Mob in Chicago. I gave her the tour of Ann Arbor -- we went to
Zingerman's (sandwiches and gelato!), the Farmer's Market,
Wasem Fruit Farm (cider and donuts!),
the Arb, the
Dawn Treader (I got a book on French Chansons of the 16th Century and a book about various methods of preserving food), and Encore (the best-ever used CD and record store -- I was good and didn't get anything, but at some point I should go back and look through the giant drawer of records labeled FRENCH FOLK... not that I even have a record player, but I'm sure I could borrow one and have a decent go at converting them to MP3.) I also had a gig with the Cynnabar Dance Band at
Harvest of Souls VI and was served
a very tasty feast for free! All-in-all a very food-oriented weekend.
This coming weekend Jesse,
niquerio and I are going to be in Maryland for the closing weekend of the Maryland Renfest, so if you're in MD be sure to come and hang out with us! (I think
niquerio and I will be there both days, but I think Jesse will only be going Sunday.)