Pictures of Zachary Quinto as young Spock have appeared on
JFX Online. The closer shots look odd to me--can't they afford a more convincing wig?--but the third thumbnail, at more of a distance, looks better (I hope that's not simply because of distance and graininess.)
I somehow can't get excited about this movie anymore, though I'm still following the news about it. Brilliant Husband and I disagree about Winona Ryder. I'm not seeing it. I remember Amanda as very vivacious and strong; perhaps I haven't seen Ryder in the right role, but I think of her more as fragile and anxious.
Beowulf opens Friday. Now everyone is asking me what I think about it. What can I say? Every time I read another snippet of interview, my opinion of Neil Gaiman drops just a little bit more. (Beowulf fought Grendel naked? Gee, I thought it said unarmed. Beowulf spent eight days at the bottom of the mere? Golly*, that's news to me! Gee, but I've only read it in Old English six or eight times; maybe they know more than I do! [snort]) I do mean to see it at some point--a matinee, surely, because I'm not paying full price for the experience.
*Ever since Sylar said, "Golly!" when poor stupid American told him about Maya and Alejandro, I've been finding myself saying "Golly!" an awful lot. I really need to kick this habit soon. I'm even annoying myself, and Small Child will doubtless pick it up if I continue.