Going to hell...

May 19, 2005 21:19

As we trooped into the church at 1630, I shook out my hair, which was still damp from my hasty shower, as I had just arrived on base at 1400. I was told that they had planned a surprise party for me so I got dressed nicely, only to find out that this party was in the chapel next door, the priest was saying the vows and Duarte and I were the guests of honor. WOW. Ok, so my marriage is not valid in the US but still...WOW. I am married again, kind of. I got married,. spent the day in bed with my new husband and we both went to work the next day and then today I left for Tallil, where I will catch a flight tomorrow to go North, where I have still been transferred.
And when I got here, I was sent to the hospital because my boss (and then the doctor) concluded that I was having an emotional breakdown because I could not stop crying and my heart hurt. Well, what THE HELL did they expect????
So I got put on Valium for the next 6 days and Paxil longterm. Joy. Now let's just see if I can get through the flight tomorrow without throwing up on my fellow passengers.
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