Jan 11, 2006 16:32
I just got a call a little while ago from the hospital, and I go in for my endoscopy/colonoscopy Friday. This is good, because I'll still be on break, and won't have to come back from school in a few weeks. There is a downside, though... After dinner tonight, I can't eat anything other than Jello for about 40 hours. Now, I have a pretty fast metabolism, and I get pretty hungry if I don't eat something every FOUR hours. So, this might be a little difficult, but I'm going to try and look at it from a positive angle. Fasting is supposed to be healthy, right? :P
Also, I started getting some actual work done for my fraternity. Even though I didn't get much done, it feels like I've got some forward momentum going for me. Finishing one task seems to set off a chain reaction of completedness, the hardest part is just starting.
All isn't well, though. It seems I run into my ex Erika on MSN every time I log on, which I'd rather not do. I think we should just let things go... I could really do without seeing her again after I broke things off. But she keeps coming to me with her problems, and it just isn't in my nature to ignore people when they want help. Then she starts complaining about wishing things were different, and how she wishes she could be different. This isn't the first time she's brought up this subject, either.
After being belittled for not being very responsive, I tell her that she CAN change any time she wants to, all she's got to do is work for it. She does not want to do this, however. Then, she complains that her friends make her feel bad for talking to them (and if she has all of her conversations like this, I can't blame them), so I tell her not to deal with them, then. At this point, she tells me she cares too much about her friends to do that, but goes on to say she wishes she was friends with different people. I tell her she can do that, too, but then we just start over from the beginning.
So, I say I'm tired, and log off. Anyway, I think I should just block her, but some of my friends are her friends, and it seems like they talk about me. So she'd probably find out and then throw a hissy fit in my general direction. Anyway, I'm convinced this is still the best course of action, since things are over, and have been for a month. I'm quite ready to move on, but she isn't, it seems. I know it sounds sort of heartless, but I don't want to be dragged into that, either. Why can't things just be over and be done for good?
Oh well, she's not a very big worry, and I have much more to focus on now. Things will work out, and pretty soon it's time for my last meal! I'm hoping it'll last me!