(no subject)

Feb 28, 2007 19:06

This was the last trip I'll take to downtown Houston for the next couple months yet due to feeling rather crappy, I only took a minimal amount of photos. the weather was rather dreary, too (which probably accounted for part of the crappiness) as it was the last time I went to anthropologie back in January. this time, we were going to Vinal Edge first which was near the airport, so it was a longer drive...

This photo was taken rather early on before we even reached past downtown. it was when the weather went from cloudy to a light drizzle.

50min. later, we arrived on the road to the store... I expected it'd be in a plaza, but hidden at the end with only a Subway being recognisable, in the middle of what seemed like nowhere, there it was! I can now see why I didn't know about it before. who would go all the way out there that often?

I'm kicking myself for not taking a photo of the window display which is something I had wanted to do when I thought of this idea. I guess it'll have to be next time if there is a next time. possibly in the summer when the relatives are visiting?

When I first entered the store, I noticed how much smaller it was in person than it seemed in the couple photos I saw. there were cardboard boxes filled to the brim with records and the like all over the store. it was hard to walk in there, so it's good there were only a few people in the store at the time. I had to stand to the side a few times to let them pass. right away, I found the TV-Resistori album in the used section and thought I was off to a good start. when browsing the new cd section, I became more disheartened though. it seemed picked over with only one or two choices per band + only one in stock of each at that! I still liked the novelty of browsing nonetheless. I picked up the other Arovane album I had noted in the dance/techno section even though my top choice was Icol Diston which combines a few of the 12" records into one album. I carried this around for awhile when I came back to the Alternative/Indie section. dad came back in from making a phone call and when I pulled out the list I made from my purse, I had to pull the camera out. if not for this, there'd probably not be one picture due to how distracted I was. dad asked if I wanted a picture, so I said sure and continued browsing since I didn't want a posed photo. this is the result:

If you want to see a bigger version of this for better detail, go here.

Afterwards, I was finally prodded enough to go hand the clerks my list to find what I wanted. they then went on a treasure hunt almost which amused me. it started with the one guy looking up some of the stuff on the computer then finally scrounging around the store. albums gathered on the counter. I was pleased, but still was hoping that Arovane album would be found and... at the last second while I was just milling about browsing aimlessly (whereupon I picked up the Benevento/Russo Duo's 'Play Pause Stop' which wasn't on my list at all), the other guy jumps up and says, "I FOUND YOUR #2!" Hah! that pleased me so much that the fact that most of the albums weren't in stock didn't bother me. I kept repeating how it was cool since that album was found, so no more looking had to be done. since I had mentioned how much money I brought offhand, the guy took off a couple from each album, so I could afford it. nice people! I even got it all in a Jay-Z bag with the line, "I just know you love Jay-Z!" yay to sarcasm! though really, at one point I probably did. yay rap phase!

I did consider looking at the vinyl once I got there, but it was way too overwhelming. the EITS vinyl copy was on display though so it was nice to view it. I still have yet to get the 2CD version in the mail. hopefully by the end of this week.

This is what I got in all from the store:
Arovane - Icol Diston
Benevento/Russo Duo - Play Pause Stop
Eluvium - Copia
Nina Nastasia - On Leaving
Shearwater - Everybody Makes Mistakes
TV-Resistori - serkut rakastaa paremmin
..and a Temporary Residence free sampler called 'Destroy Independent Music!'


After this, I calmed down a bit from the panic and dad called grandma for some random reason. I s'pose to mention his job in San Francisco, but it was still rather random to me to call while on the road. eventually, he handed the phone to me as we were getting closer to downtown. by then, it had gotten a bit dark (around 6:30pm). I mentioned to grandma about the traffic and lights and she was confused thinking we were calling from in the store; not the road. I mentioned trying to take a picture of the city skyline. unfortunately through the dirty window, I couldn't get a good shot and didn't want to open the window when it was off and on raining still. I did get this shot which was cool since it says 'Texan' off in the distance:

Once in anthropologie, I rambled on for a bit more then handed the phone back over to dad while I browsed for something to exchange my shirt for after having gone to the front desk and handed it over. it took a few tries to find something that worked. this was the first photo I took in the dressing room:

As you can see, I'm wearing what I came with since the outfits on the hanger were horrible on; I was drowning in them! I almost considered perhaps they were mislabeled. they seemed more like larges than smalls.
the pullover I have on is from that store though, funnily enough, along with the jacket I wore. the lady at the front desk commented on how she had noticed.

..annnnd the colour version of the one at the start of this entry! this is the outfit I ended up getting in my exchange and I already wore the shirt once.

On the way home, we stopped at Central Market as planned since it's on the same street. again, I was distracted, so I only remembered to take a photo once we were walking back to the car much to my disappointment:

We were in there for longer than necessary since dad talked up the clerk in the vitamin section for what seemed like forever. he was looking for thyroid factor or something. he refused to buy another brand other than 'Now' and it didn't appear to be there. he didn't leave till he was done telling a whole story about his brother and his brother's girlfriend + about how this stuff works, etcetc. anyway, at least the sandwich and potatoes were good which is what I got along with some random chocolate bars. dad got the dinner for 2 bag which was more like dinner for 1 since he ate it all. it contained salmon cakes and I don't care for anything seafood related, so I passed.

That was my exciting trip. at least it was worth my effort despite how awful I felt at the start of it.

texas photos

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