Mar 23, 2007 14:55
Well, Spring Break has come and gone. I can’t say it wasn’t a disappointment. Going in I thought at worst I would just relax at home. As it happened, I instead spent half my break feverishly attempting to drain the cellar of water, and then trying to get our pump working for the well water, which had short circuited and burnt to a crisp. I am thankful I had the support of my family throughout all. Mom was a real sport driving all over the Rochester area on a work night trying to get the pieces we needed to get a sump pump installed. I’m glad brother got to go out to see some old friends. I know that meant a lot to him with all of the extra stuff he has had to do around the house since the happenings with Father.
Although the break was kind of disastrous, it had its redeeming qualities. I got to see Lynne, although less than what she and I had wanted. I got to see Nate - I haven’t seen him since seemingly forever. I had my birthday. I got to eat a wonderful dinner with my grandparents and most of my immediate family. Mom got me a book of early Christian writings. I haven’t started reading it yet, but I am looking forward to it. I guess I learned how to install a sump pump, but that would have been impossible without the kind assistance of Mr. Ray, who I feel I must also mention here. Enough happened to make it a memorable break at least, for better or for worse. I guess that is all one can ask.
300 came out not too long ago, and I have to say for such a mindless (however enjoyable) movie it has had a huge effect on people here at Hoeing 4. Now suddenly being a “Spartan” is a cool thing. My hallmates have been going to the gym regularly in hopes of one day achieving that ridiculous body form that was displayed throughout that movie. This isn’t to say they weren’t thinking about working out before, but what I am suggesting is that this movie has shamed out of shape men everywhere.
I myself have been caught up in this movement in some sense, but not with its vision physical perfection. True, I’ve accompanied my fellows on their gym excursions several times now, and it has been a gratifying experience, but it is the anti-materialistic ideology of Sparta that interests me. That wasn’t a theme of the movie, but it was a very respectable part of Spartan culture and ideology in real life. I wonder if I could live the kind of “Spartan” lifestyle championed by Thoreau…
Perhaps I look at this in the wrong light however. My own religion clearly stands out against materialism (although some would have you believe the opposite…), but I have failed to grasp it thus far. I have much to learn.
God bless