Dearest Shi-O, was I really such a naughty boy?

May 23, 2007 21:09

It's so strange when you chance upon accounts of the way you used to be, written by other people. Reading one's own LJ entries can still come as a surprise - case in point, I used to be like this, and though it was written one-and-a-half years ago, it's so irrepressibly genki and high-on-life that I'm amazed at how I've changed since then ( Read more... )


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aefallen May 23 2007, 14:19:34 UTC
*snugs tight!* I hope to be! Though sometimes I can't help but think that we lose a little of that as we grow older.

!!! Why yes! It was a really great coincidence! ♥
LOVES HUGGING PEOPLE. Especially if they are you. ♥

XDDDDD Parental memories of us are such good FUN.
Even if (and sometimes especially if) they are embarrassing. XD


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aefallen May 23 2007, 15:37:16 UTC
*grin* I meant to ask, who are the people on your icon? I originally thought they were FFXII (sibling was walking me through a triple-boss fight at the moment), but then I thought they might be FF7 Turk concept art - and now I have no clue. ;)

The line I get the strangest feeling reminds me of an All Saints song named Saints and Sinners. ;)

I used to think that we lose as much as we allowed ourselves to lose, too. But now I think there are some parts of us that we sometimes can't help losing, even if we want to hold on to them. Sometimes there is no going back to a certain way of being, not after the way you look at the world has been changed.

But I like to believe that we can hold on to the best in us, though. ;)

YES!! We definitely SHOULD do lunch or tea after classes! XD I may actually even NEED lunch/tea after my exam on the 2nd of June! Will you be free then, after 4pm in the afternoon? ;) If you've not been to Sun With Moon in Wheelock place (a Japanese restaurant) for tea, we can go, if you want? ♥



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XD I replied too fast - XD but reposts! XD aefallen May 23 2007, 15:56:26 UTC
! You're another one! *grin* One of my friends loves this pairing, too. ;) And one of my law classmates plays this game during boring lectures. XDDDD

I remember collecting their first two albums, and then they did that song for The Beach - Pure Shores - and then they split up? And then they recorded another song? It is confusing. But yeah, they were great! ;)

things will change if you will yourselve to change the way you think about them.
That's a beautiful idea. I love it - and I hope to believe in it, too. And it's true - ultimately our attitudes are a choice, and I think to some subconscious extent we do choose the memories and perceptions that shape our attitudes.

XD I think that attributing this power to the hands of men is the best way forward. It's the only thing we can change, after all: external forces are outside of our control, but we can change and choose the people we are and become.

And I believe in optimism. ;) Pessimism is so exhausting. XD ( ... )


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XD! aefallen May 23 2007, 16:13:59 UTC
If it was Rock Steady? XDDD I actually loved it! XD I thought they were gone and forgotten and here is a NEW SONG! ;) But I suspect I am merely in love with the beat and rhythm and opening, rather than the TRUE MEANING of the song.

! That's great! ♥ I SHALL KEEP THAT IN MIND ♥

I thought I had your number, but I don't think I do! SOBS! E-mail me? My email address is I'll post my number in a screened comment to yours? ♥


elvaron May 23 2007, 15:40:10 UTC

I got happier as I got older.

If El can be genki, you can too!



aefallen May 23 2007, 15:43:07 UTC
*grin* But El - I didn't. I was happier when I was younger. I think happiness is relative. I'm still genki, but not as genki as I used to be. I hope this DETERIORATION goes no further! XD

I HOPE TO GET HAPPIER AS I GET OLDER! ♥ And I am happier for you that you got happier as you got older! ;)


elvaron May 23 2007, 15:58:17 UTC
*smile* Maybe I'm overly optimistic, but I've found that ...

... the more things change, the more they stay the same.

With notable exceptions, I think. The more crap I live through, the more content I find myself.


elvaron May 23 2007, 15:59:25 UTC
Sort of to say --

I was happy when I was younger. But that was a kind of happiness the world could and did take from me. But on the distant shore of the OCEAN OF EMO is a happiness that the world can't take from you.


I have a version of this icon named YOUR REPLICA LOVES YOU. aefallen May 23 2007, 16:11:04 UTC
But that was a kind of happiness the world could and did take from me.
That's a fascinating - and very true - thought. It never occurred to me to think of it this way before, and - wow, I see what you mean.

I think the happiness found on the shores of the SEA OF EMO is the truest kind of happiness there is: it's that which remains. Unshakeable joy. I'm glad you have it, and I think one day, I will find it too.

Or better yet, find I already have it ♥


GENKI SMAAAAAAAAASH elvaron May 23 2007, 16:17:38 UTC
What finally got me through the GULF OF WOE (XDDDD) is a Rufus-inspired thought that actually hasn't gone away for 1.5 years. (NEW WORLD RECORD \^_^/)

....Life is what we make of it.
No more, no less.

(Cf, the Rufus Shinra guide to mindfucking yourself <3)

Put another way, external factors may make life suck, a lot, but internal happiness? That's something that doesn't go away. Not in the long run, anyway. I thought I'd lost that ability just last week, after TORRENTS OF EMO, but, hey, get through the rainshower and there it is again.

And there are so many things to be grateful for in life. YOU, FOR STARTERS &heart;


Re: GENKI SMAAAAAAAAASH elvaron May 23 2007, 16:18:37 UTC


how to make a ♥ desu no! aefallen May 23 2007, 16:40:43 UTC
Coding for hearts: & hearts ; (minus the spaces, and you've got it!)

In a pinch, you can also copy+paste directly: ♥. ;)


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