Mar 05, 2008 09:33
I do want to say, that much as John McCain is freaking me out by being all Republican and stuff, and thinking invading Iraq was omgthebestideaever, he's still better than Bush and co. six days of the week and twice on Sunday.
As for the Democrats, I think it's clear that the voters know who they want. They are screaming it loud and clear and in record numbers.
We. Want. Them. Both.
What would it be like if we stopped listing all the things that would make Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton impossible and started listing the benefits? Record voter turnout. Passion *and* political savvy. Universal *affordable* health care. Getting the eff out of Iraq. A party simultaneously unified and cutting edge. History upon history. Ohio. Florida. New Mexico. African Americans. Latino/as. Women. The working middle class. The Liberal elitists. Old school democrats. College kids. Between the two of them, we can, and we will.
Hey Superdelegates: you want to not overturn the will of the people? Make them one ticket.