get your laws off my uterus, Captain Bligh!

May 28, 2009 12:56

If you are in Brisbane, or will be on Wednesday 10th June (that's two weeks away) please consider coming along to this pro-choice protest against charges laid against a young couple from Cairns under this state's anti-abortion legislation.  The 19 year old woman is charged with using a drug to terminate her pregnancy, and the 21 year old man is charged with procuring that drug.  They face seven years (her) and three years (him) imprisonment if the prosecution is successful.

Some articles here,27574,25362484-3102,00.html
and of course, depressingly, the most extensive coverage is in Christian and right-wing press from an anti-choice perspective (I'm not linking, just google it).

Notice, if you read the articles above, the law is not charging those involved with smuggling a substance into the country, or anything like that - the issue here is not HOW the woman terminated her pregnancy, but simply that she did terminate it.

I won't go into the arguments to legalise abortion, which have all been much better expressed in other places, but the reason I think this rally is important, and why I'll be going, is that if we let apathy and ignorance silence us on Queensland's anti-abortion laws, we are tacitly agreeing to them.  Laws don't change by themselves.  And women will not be granted full choice under Queensland law to exercise their reproductive rights if we don't demand it.

This is the first time in Australia in 50 years a woman has been charged with a criminal offence for having an abortion.

If you believe it should be the last, please turn out to show your support for this young couple, and for the legalisation of abortion on demand in this state.

Oh - and I am always interested in rational and intelligent debate with someone from another point of view, but if there are any "GOD HATES BABYKILLERS" types out there thinking about commenting, save your words for someone who cares.

EDIT:  Forgot to mention that if you can't make the rally, but would still like to participate in getting abortion legislation revised in Queensland, there are a few options here.
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